Tai Wright

Tai Wright

Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Latin America, Intercultural Approaches to Public Health at UC Chile


Ko Aotea te waka

Ko Turi Ariki te tāngata

Ruapehu te maunga

Whanganui te awaroa

Te Ati Haunui a Pāpārangi me Ngāti Tūwharetoa nga iwi

Ngāti Kurawhatea te hapū

Ko au te awa, ko te awa ko au

Kia ora, I’m Tai and I am a current geography masters student. My current research is on food sovereignty and Māori self-determination. I am particulalry excited to learn about other Indigenous worldviews reagrading health as I have been examining this in my own work. Beyond that I am looking forward to meeting new people, making friends and trying new food!

Mauri ora!

  • Chile: Reflecting on a life-changing month

    We have now been home for just under a week. It has been a chance to catch up with family and friends, swim in the awa, and return to the garden. It has also been a chance to begin reflecting on what can only be described as a month of challenges, new learnings and memorable…Continue…