Ko Aotea te waka
Ko Turi Ariki te tāngata
Ruapehu te maunga
Whanganui te awaroa
Te Ati Haunui a Pāpārangi me Ngāti Tūwharetoa nga iwi
Ngāti Kurawhatea te hapū
Ko au te awa, ko te awa ko au
Kia ora, I’m Tai and I am a current geography masters student. My current research is on food sovereignty and Māori self-determination. I am particulalry excited to learn about other Indigenous worldviews reagrading health as I have been examining this in my own work. Beyond that I am looking forward to meeting new people, making friends and trying new food!
Mauri ora!
Connecting in Santiago Week 1
Reflecting on my first week in Chile and writing this blog has made me imagine a theme or something to organise the disparate excitement, chaos and confusion that comes with being in a new place. Going overseas to another country is very much an act of disconnection, leaving a place that is entirely unfamiliar. Indeed,…Continue…
Out into the Gardens Week 2
This week at UC Chile, we left the classrooms to learn out in the world. Reflecting on the week, I can only explain it as reaching out. Reaching out beyond the confines of classrooms and exploring the outdoors. The week consisted of hospital observations and getting insight behind the scenes, including things that I have…Continue…
Our Connected Worlds Week 3
This week, we had the privilege of learning about diverse Indigenous groups in Chile in various contexts. These included in the classroom, at traditional Mapunche community houses or Ruka, an Indigenous-led health centre and through our visit to the Ministry of Health. In many ways, the week was emotionally overwhelming and challenging, learning about the…Continue…