University of Edinburgh
About The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
The University of Edinburgh is located in Edinburgh, Scotland, in the United Kingdom.
University of Auckland students may apply to spend a semester or two to study on exchange at The University of Edinburgh through the 360 International Semester Exchange programme. Visit the 360 International website for more information on how to get started on your own exchange journey. Be sure to also visit the partner programme page in the University of Auckland Learning Abroad Portal.
Amy (Sem 2, 2023)
My Exchange at The University of Edinburgh Coming up to the end of my exchange, I can definitively say that I would recommend the experience to anyone who might be thinking about it. I had wanted to go on exchange since the beginning of my studies, and had been learning about how 360 could make…Continue…
Laura (Sem 1, 2023)
My Exchange at The University of Edinburgh I discovered the 360 International exchange programme through the 360 International exchange email. As I always wanted to travel around Europe and make new friends, I decided to participate in this programme, which I’m very glad I did. When I arrived in Edinburgh, I was filled with excitement…Continue…
Amy (Sem 1, 2023)
My Exchange at The University of Edinburgh Q&A What were some of the highlights of the academic experience at your host university? Academically, Edinburgh is quite different to Auckland. I found my assignments in Edinburgh were typically higher weighted (70-80% for end of semester assignments), making my work loads less evenly spread across the course…Continue…