Tag: travel

“Intern”-ational Travellers

I’d apologise for the pun in the title but I’d be lying. It has now been four weeks abroad, and safe to say that as much as I love Mumbai, I miss home. But thank goodness for the others I’m on this trip with, because we have managed to create a sense of home here,…Continue Reading “Intern”-ational Travellers

Art needs no language…

In my internship this week, I felt great privilege for the opportunity, confronted by the harsh living conditions of the communities I work, and grateful to the people of Mandala who have opened their lives and hearts to the organisation and me. Working with the Zahra Hasanaat clinic, I was able to help with the…Continue Reading Art needs no language…

Adjusting Back To Nueva Zelanda

Today marks a week since I arrived home in New Zealand. Many components of my lifestyle in Mexico were different, and I had to adjust. Adjusting back home made me recognize the differences between Mexico and New Zealand and the changes within myself over my time away. Although I have spoken English my entire life,…Continue Reading Adjusting Back To Nueva Zelanda

Where did all the time go?

It’s the final week, and I feel like I have barely touched the surface of India whilst also having had so many adventures and opportunities that I cannot wait to share with friends, family, and anyone who will listen upon my return to New Zealand. I don’t have any words good enough to express my…Continue Reading Where did all the time go?

Disaster, Desserts, and the Desert

Disaster strikes Man down this week (well, for 3 days)… During my first 4 weeks, I was very fortunate to maintain good health, even when my peers were becoming unwell. However, the start of week 5 was when disaster struck. Tuesday morning started off like any other morning, there was a touch of tummy cramps,…Continue Reading Disaster, Desserts, and the Desert

Last Week: Too Soon to Say Goodbye

Last you heard from me, I had just completed my “Vietnam is 10-days” crash course Tết (Vietnamese Lunar New Year) travels. Since then, I have really been able to settle in at my company and in my new home. Thus, realising that I will have to leave Vietnam has been a very rude awakening. Seven…Continue Reading Last Week: Too Soon to Say Goodbye

A slice of paradise & final reflections

For week six, the last week of our time here in Mexico, we went to Cuetzalan in the small state of Puebla. Our last week in Cuetzalan was incredible, from the people and communities to the beautiful nature. Highlights The journey to Cuetzalan started at 7 am. We left Colmena, our accommodation, whilst the sun…Continue Reading A slice of paradise & final reflections

Tchau, Brasil…

This time in Brazil has been an unforgettable experience. From exploring vibrant cities and engaging museums, to walking through the Atlantic rainforest to visit Guarani and other communities to share mātauranga, waiata and aspirations. Visiting NGOs working in different ways to support those on the ground to have greater control over their futures and to…Continue Reading Tchau, Brasil…