Tag: travel

Taiwan: Week seven

Monday 23 January–Friday 27 January Fulong Beach I hadn’t seen the ocean since landing in Taipei. My initial desire had been to train to a beach on the east coast with friends in the early hours of the Gregorian new year to see the first sunrise of 2023 emerge from the ocean, the same sun…Continue Reading Taiwan: Week seven

Kei ōu ringaringa te ao – Brazil

Kei ōu ringaringa te ao can be loosely translated as ‘the world is yours’. I agree with the whakataukī that this world is ours, but it is ours to care for, not take advantage of. My time here in Brazil has exposed me to the realities of greed and corruption for land and resources. Corporations and…Continue Reading Kei ōu ringaringa te ao – Brazil

To be in Brazil is to begin to understand Brazil.

As I discover more of Brazil, I have been learning of the complex challenges the country has faced and continues to. Through visits to Indigenous communities, a Quilombo community, the Landless Workers Movement and the Center for Indigenous Work, as well as the NGO GAIALATO, we have been welcomed by lovely people with open hearts…Continue Reading To be in Brazil is to begin to understand Brazil.

26th January, The Republic day

The most awaited public holiday we all needed was the 26th of January, also known as the Republic day of India. Republic day in India is celebrated to mark when the Constitution was written.  We all needed this day just to take a break and reflect on things; it was more like a pause button…Continue Reading 26th January, The Republic day

A Brief Trip to Ubatuba

On Saturday the 28th, we checked out of our hotel in Sao Paulo and boarded the crowded bus to head to Ubatuba. The drive was incredibly long, but it was worth it once we began to descend down the mountains and see the beautiful coastline. We then checked into our hostel and were able to…Continue Reading A Brief Trip to Ubatuba

Taiwan: Week six

Monday 16 January–Sunday 22 January The final day of class Monday, 16 January, was my final day of class. I gave a final presentation on some differences between the US and New Zealand before saying 再見 (goodbye) to my teachers 許老師 and 林老師, and my classmates, Noah, Ashleigh, Takahiro, Nicole, Araceli, Daryll, Yung and Asuka for the last time. It was…Continue Reading Taiwan: Week six

101 Things to do in Taipei

Coming to Taipei during Lunar New Year’s is probably the best and worst time to come to Taipei. Because Lunar New Year’s is such a major celebration here, everything is closed! Trying to find a non-fast food meal is like Mission impossible! I also needed to find a suitcase to bring all my favourite snacks…Continue Reading 101 Things to do in Taipei

New Year, new post!

The final week of our exchange here in Tainan has arrived so quickly. To finish up our last week and a half, we continued our packed schedule. I managed to head to a new night market with my language buddy Ariel and her roommate in an effort to cram in all the foods I had…Continue Reading New Year, new post!