Lost in Saigon: My first week in Ho Chi Minh City!

Wednesday the 11th marked 7 days in Vietnam! It is so crazy to reflect on the last week and how much we managed to fit into it. Having never been this far from home before, these last few days have shifted my perspective on the world, and every moment has brought me a new experience….Continue Reading Lost in Saigon: My first week in Ho Chi Minh City!

First Day in Vietnam

I still had not processed that I was going to Vietnam yet, even after I got on the plane. This would be my first time living and working overseas by myself, which was exciting. The total duration to arrive at the international airport was almost a whole day, but it was fine because I enjoy…Continue Reading First Day in Vietnam

Chapter Three: Christmas (feat. concert)

In all honesty, I feel like the older I am, the less excited I get about Christmas. However, this was the first time I would be spending it not in NZ, and away from my family. To help with the being away from home, a secret Santa was organised amongst us PMSA students in Tainan,…Continue Reading Chapter Three: Christmas (feat. concert)

India’s Desktop

My annual habit to start a new year is to try and organise my desktop. Clean it up, organise it better, and have a system so that I know exactly where each file and photo should be logically and efficiently placed. However, no system has been perfect. Grey areas appear, laziness emerges, and I end…Continue Reading India’s Desktop

A Ponder on Pondicherry and Lessons for New Zealand 

Namaste! Vaṇakkam! Hello! It’s been a few days into the trip. Here are a few interesting things I’ve found so far as a health sci student, which I think might be interesting and potentially be some cool initiatives for New Zealand to consider! One of my favourite moments was going to the Aurobindo Ashram. An…Continue Reading A Ponder on Pondicherry and Lessons for New Zealand 

Week 2: The Unexpected Challenge

Unfortunately, I am writing this second blog a few days early due to the copious amount of free time I have due to the fact that I am isolating with COVID-19. All in all, not the fun first week at work I was imagining. Thankfully, I got to spend one day at work before testing…Continue Reading Week 2: The Unexpected Challenge

Week 1: Xin chào Việt Nam!

It’s not often that you get to say you had a perfect day, let alone a perfect week. However, every day that we’ve lived in Vietnam since our arrival has been nothing short of amazing. The hustle and bustle of the city is astounding. Walking around the streets of Ho Chi Minh City is fascinating…Continue Reading Week 1: Xin chào Việt Nam!

Week One in Bangkok

Kiharoa Iversen New Years Hello and happy New Year’s from Thailand! This first week in Bangkok was definitely a new experience for me. Getting the opportunity to be immersed in a new culture and environment was somewhat surreal, especially in a continent I have never been to. We arrived here on the 30th of December,…Continue Reading Week One in Bangkok

Happy New Year! 🎊

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday season wherever you are. By the time this blog post goes up, it will have officially been 4 weeks in Korea! Out of 12 weeks, that’s already one-third! Time is going by so fast. For us in Korea, there were no breaks over…Continue Reading Happy New Year! 🎊

Gosh! Hasn’t time flown?

It’s been a while since I’ve written, and that is because while I have had many incredible experiences, I have also had a lot of homework! Something which made a Taiwanese friend of mine chuckle and tell me I finally understood what it was like to be a student here. I’ve also had the wonderful…Continue Reading Gosh! Hasn’t time flown?