First Week: Rush Of Emotions

No photo, video, or story could have prepared me for what was about to become my life for six weeks. India has an extraordinary way of living – while a customary practice for locals, it would become some of the most peculiar, captivating and charming things I’ve ever seen, tasted and experienced. So here is…Continue Reading The way of Mumbai
Following a few bumps in the road, we are finally in Mumbai. To say this city is an assault on the senses would be an understatement. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced such sights, sounds, and smells all at once. Though adjusting to being away from loved ones in New Zealand has been difficult at…Continue Reading Week 1 in Mumbai: Finding Comfort Abroad
Week One. Mumbai, India Before stepping foot into Mumbai, coined the City of Dreams by the locals, I was aware of the city’s vibrant street markets and lively people culture. I had seen YouTube videos of foreigners shopping on the street markets, getting things we could only dream about in New Zealand for bargain prices….Continue Reading Foreign Tax
‘Have a free mind’ were the first words said to me by the lovely taxi driver that drove us to our accomodation upon landing in Mumbai, India. After a delayed flight, a twelve turned twenty four hour layover in Kuala Lumpur- Malaysia, and a scrummage to get through airport security- having a free mind was…Continue Reading Made it to Mumbai – A look into Week One.
Day one of the trip (or so we thought) commenced at around 9pm on Saturday the 14th of January. After days of packing and mentally preparing for a six week adventure in a foreign country, we all turned up to the airport to find that our flight was delayed until the next day. Although this…Continue Reading The Good With The Bad (But Mostly Good)
Christmas 2022 was different. Usually, Christmas is a holiday for my family, it would be school break, and we would celebrate it with a Christmas eve and day dinner. Celebrating Christmas in Korea with friends was a new and eye-opening experience. Since Christmas was on a Sunday, we did not get any public holidays, so…Continue Reading Christmas in Korea
January 16th 2022 10:02 AM 大家好! The last few weeks have been exciting and busy. Tomorrow, we leave to go to our elementary school service project. This will be our last activity for the trip. Before I move on, I would like to thank 360 international, Education New Zealand, the NCKU Chinese language centre, and…Continue Reading *alexa play teeth by lady gaga*
Now that the we have officially left Tainan and the majority of us are enjoying our last week in Taipei, I’ve had the chance to look back on our 6 week programme at NCKU. It’s so crazy to think that we’ve completed the programme when it seems like only yesterday that we were arriving in…Continue Reading The Tainan 語伴 Experience
With the internships taking up most of our days, we hadn’t a lot of time to explore the city and enjoy the beautiful culture Bangkok offers. Weekends were the days to explore! So after a long and tiring couple of weeks of working in Bangkok, we decided to have a relaxing weekend in Krabi. Thailand’s…Continue Reading Work, Conferences, Beaches, and Temples