Tag: Mumbai

The way of Mumbai

No photo, video, or story could have prepared me for what was about to become my life for six weeks. India has an extraordinary way of living – while a customary practice for locals, it would become some of the most peculiar, captivating and charming things I’ve ever seen, tasted and experienced.  So here is…Continue Reading The way of Mumbai

Made it to Mumbai – A look into Week One.

‘Have a free mind’ were the first words said to me by the lovely taxi driver that drove us to our accomodation upon landing in Mumbai, India. After a delayed flight, a twelve turned twenty four hour layover in Kuala Lumpur- Malaysia, and a scrummage to get through airport security- having a free mind was…Continue Reading Made it to Mumbai – A look into Week One.

Hello Mumbai!

Traffic and tribulations Arriving here in Mumbai has been such a whirlwind. My first impressions were heat and chaos and tropical scent…and I was completely overwhelmed by all the horn tooting in the confined airport multi-storey carpark! Turns out that drivers here are great friends with their horns. However, there is a kind of sense…Continue Reading Hello Mumbai!

A rollercoaster ride to Mumbai, India

Wow! It has been a journey to reach Mumbai: cancelled flights, running on 4 hours of sleep, navigating airports, and most importantly, sticking together as a group of 14 students! So let’s start from the beginning… it’s 10PM at Auckland airport. Waiting in the check-in line for our first leg of the journey to Kuala…Continue Reading A rollercoaster ride to Mumbai, India

FOMO: The Fear of Missing Out

Namaste! Welcome to Mumbai, India! It has been nearly a week since we landed in the sunny state of Maharashtra, and began our journey of six weeks abroad. To say it has been a culture shock would be an understatement. In my first steps out of the airport, a wave of heat and smell hit…Continue Reading FOMO: The Fear of Missing Out