Tag: Mumbai

Keeping Pace with Mumbai’s Heartbeat

The title is not an exaggeration! Arrival šŸ›¬ Arriving here, I was expecting a city a bit busier than Auckland ā€” noisier too. I was expecting the weather to be slightly warm (even though it is winter in Mumbai) and public transport to be easy to manoeuvre. But I was off target on so many…Continue Reading Keeping Pace with Mumbai’s Heartbeat

Big City, Bigger Dreams: Navigating the Mumbai Madness

After leaving my heart in Aotearoa, my body and soul boarded a plane to begin a new adventure in Mumbai! With the feeling of nervousness, excitement, and perhaps dread for the unknown, nothing would have ever prepared me for what was in store. Noise, heat, and colour are only a few words to describe the…Continue Reading Big City, Bigger Dreams: Navigating the Mumbai Madness

Settling into a New ‘Normal’ – Lessons, Reflections, Adventures

The past few weeks in Mumbai have been amazing to say the least. Itā€™s been great finding my bearings and slipping into the rhythm of this city.  Iā€™ve really welcomed this change in pace. Although I love the laid-back lifestyle in New Zealand, the constant hustle and bustle of this city has been exhilarating ā€“…Continue Reading Settling into a New ‘Normal’ – Lessons, Reflections, Adventures

Bucket List

Bucket lists. What are they, why do we make them? According to Stanford, a bucket list is an itemised list of goals, experiences or achievements that people want to accomplish before they ā€œkick the bucketā€ ā€” or die. I made my first and only bucket list when I was 12. For me, the things I…Continue Reading Bucket List

“Intern”-ational Travellers

I’d apologise for the pun in the title but I’d be lying. It has now been four weeks abroad, and safe to say that as much as I love Mumbai, I miss home. But thank goodness for the others I’m on this trip with, because we have managed to create a sense of home here,…Continue Reading “Intern”-ational Travellers