Tag: India

What Makes a Great School?

What makes a great school? It is a question we devote books, league tables, open nights, and many hours reading the advice of so-called “educational gurus” to in the quest to definitively answer. Some argue that a great school is defined by how much it invests into quality infrastructure and amenities. Others argue for the…Continue Reading What Makes a Great School?

First Week in India: A Tapestry of New Experiences

In the blink of an eye, one week has elapsed since my arrival in India, and the journey has been nothing short of a whirlwind of new encounters. Amidst the cacophony of sounds, vibrant colours, and unexpected rain that greeted us in Chennai, I couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer diversity encapsulated in this…Continue Reading First Week in India: A Tapestry of New Experiences

First and Foremost: A Note on Environmental Responsibility and Sustainability

Food and medicine are not two different things: They are the front and back of one body [Earth and humanity] Masanabu Fukuoka Having embarked on my first week in India, I can now finally sit back and reflect on my experiences thus far. To be quite honest, I found myself grappling with the initial waves…Continue Reading First and Foremost: A Note on Environmental Responsibility and Sustainability

Settling into a New ‘Normal’ – Lessons, Reflections, Adventures

The past few weeks in Mumbai have been amazing to say the least. It’s been great finding my bearings and slipping into the rhythm of this city.  I’ve really welcomed this change in pace. Although I love the laid-back lifestyle in New Zealand, the constant hustle and bustle of this city has been exhilarating –…Continue Reading Settling into a New ‘Normal’ – Lessons, Reflections, Adventures