Nakita (Sem 2, 2022)
My Exchange at The University of British Columbia I missed orientation, but from what I heard, it was like UoA O-week on steroids. There were the usual culprits; introductory lectures, beach BBQs, and club stalls. My first impression of UBC came on the first day of classes. Everything was big. Buildings, towers, clocks, parks, fountains,…Continue…
Matilda (Sem 2, 2022)
My Exchange at The University of Arizona I found out about the 360 International Exchange through my degree of Global Studies where it is highly encouraged to study abroad. I was actually advised to go to a Spanish speaking country but my advisors accepted my request to go to the US. My first impression of…Continue…
Bella (Sem 2, 2022)
My Exchange at King’s College London I first found out about the 360 exchange programme in my first year of Global Studies when I was strongly encouraged by Hilary – the past Global Studies coordinator, to take part in my exchange in my second year of university so I could bring back what I learnt…Continue…
Fletcher (Sem 2, 2022)
My Exchange at McGill University I had heard about the exchange through the University of Auckland, and my family recommended I went on the exchange. Despite my reluctance to go on exchange at the beginning, I am extremely happy I did it looking back. When I first arrived I was missing my parents and already…Continue…