Annabelle (Sem 2, 2023)
My Exchange at The University of New South Wales When I first arrived in Sydney, I was filled with pure excitement. This was going to be the beginning of a new chapter and a new adventure in my life. I was super eager to visit all the tourist destinations, discover the hidden local favourites, and…Continue…
Raina (Sem 1, 2023)
My Exchange at The University of California – San Diego Going to a completely different country to study and live for a long period of time was the first time in my life. There are some things I wish I had known before my exchange. Firstly, there were more challenges than I thought when travelling…Continue…
Joe (Sem 1, 2023)
My Exchange at The National University of Singapore I found out about the exchange from a friend, who was planning to go overseas himself but wasn’t able to due to COVID. It was a great feeling to be overseas. I feel I acclimatized quite quickly; there were a large number of other exchange students who…Continue…
Ron (Sem 1, 2023)
My Exchange at Monash University Despite walking past the 360 International office countless times during my degree, I never gave it a genuine thought, assuming it was a super niche for specific programs or I was too late to apply. It was only after my good friend told me she was applying for an exchange…Continue…
Kelly (Sem 1, 2023)
My Exchange at The University of Melbourne I had simultaneously the best and worst time of my life, during my five months in Melbourne. Which in hindsight, I believe, is a net positive. I learned about the 360 International exchange programme through my friend, because we were both eager to escape the bore and drabness…Continue…
Justin (Sem 1, 2023)
My Exchange at Yonsei University I first found out about the 360 international exchange programme through a friend of mine who also went on exchange to Washington in the same semester. He told me that it would be a great opportunity to travel while studying and I was convinced. About half a year later, arriving…Continue…
George (Sem 2, 2022)
My Exchange at The University of Sydney I found out about the 360 exchange programme from my friend Laila, who had gone to Mexico on exchange the semester before. When I first arrived at St Paul’s College in Sydney I was blown away by the beautiful old buildings, it reminded me of photos I’d seen…Continue…
Jin (Sem 2, 2022)
My Exchange at The National University of Singapore This report describes my exchange study at NUS from July 2022 to December 2022. Overall, my experience in Singapore was pleasant. Before starting my undergraduate programme at UoA, I had always planned to go on exchange, so I learnt 360 International via the university’s official website. I…Continue…
Dhwani (Sem 2, 2022)
My Exchange at Pennsylvania State University I found out about 360 from other friends of mine who went on an exchange programme to USA but also through personal research and university website. Initially when I arrived I was very nervous as I was the only one from New Zealand and I was very unsure of…Continue…
Denis (Sem 2, 2022)
My Exchange at Fudan University The following report would be divided to 2 sections. First, I would talk about my recommendation to non-Chinese speakers. Then, I would give some important advice to Chinese speakers for the life in Fudan. To those don’t speak fluent Chinese, it would be really hard to catch up with the…Continue…