Tag: 2024

  • Jaden (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences I had a wonderful time at the University of Applied Sciences in Konstanz! For someone who had no experience with Germany, I was not sure what to expect when going to a place called Konstanz which was 1000’s of Kilometres away but I fell in…Continue…

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  • Fiona (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The University of Groningen I think what prospective exchange students should know is to go into exchange with an open-mindedness in terms of flexibility for travel/plans – you always meet new people, and things get planned on the fly. I think the best experiences come from a lack of a super strict…Continue…

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  • Ryan (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The University of Manchester Embarking on an exchange to the University of Manchester from New Zealand was a transformative experience, yet there are several key insights I wish I had known beforehand. Firstly, integrating into social groups as a third-year student posed significant challenges. Most students by this stage have already established…Continue…

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  • Angela (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at Korea University I’ve known about the 360 International Exchange programme since I started studying at UoA, and it was always something I knew I wanted to do at some point during my degree. So, in 2023, I decided that Semester One 2024 was finally going to be the time for me to…Continue…

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  • Stella (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at Tsinghua University – Business Everything You Need to Know About Tsinghua University as an International Student I went to Tsinghua University on exchange during the Spring Semester 2024. It was incredible to experience such a drastically different culture and way of life. With language barriers and new systems, there was a lot…Continue…

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  • Megan (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The University of Bologna My exchange at the University of Bologna was probably the best few months of my life! In Global Studies, we are encouraged to go on an exchange, and it was actually something that drew me to the degree initially. And having learnt Italian for 2 years, the University…Continue…

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  • Zanoor (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at Korea University I have known I wanted to do a semester abroad since high school, so it was actually one of the reasons I chose to come to UoA in the first place. I am happy to say it was worth it! I had a fantastic time studying at Korea University. It…Continue…

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  • Renee (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The University of Salamanca As a high school girl in her YouTube vlogger era, watching videos of American students moving into their universities, it sparked a dream to study abroad. Travelling the world has and always will be a goal in mind, but studying abroad topped the list. While researching possible study…Continue…

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  • Saakshi (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The Bocconi University I first learned about the 360 International exchange program during O-Week in my first year at the University of Auckland. From that moment, I knew I wanted to participate in the program during my fifth year, and I eagerly anticipated the opportunity. When I finally arrived in Milan, I…Continue…

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  • Meadow (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The University of Tokyo The 360 international exchange programme provided an opportunity that I will value for life. Before leaving for Tokyo I was often told by other people of the ‘culture shock’ that I would experience and felt relatively prepared for that. However, upon arrival in Tokyo it was clear that…Continue…

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  • Lucy (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The Utrecht University My exchange experience at Utrecht University in The Netherlands, was a once in a lifetime experience. It has provided me with lifelong friends from all corners of the world, travel experiences all over Europe, and a unique academic experience learning about international law right from the epicentre. Utrecht University…Continue…

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  • Aaron (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The Seoul National University I found about the exchange programme a long time before I finished high school, because I knew I wanted to go on exchange during my time in uni. I did some searching online and found out about UoA’s 360 International organisation and programme and it was actually a…Continue…

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  • Gauri (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The University of Tokyo Kia ora! I found out about this exchange programme through my major, with one of the lectures mentioning scholarships and exchange opportunities that were available (after COVID). I ended up looking into the scholarships and applying for the exchange programme, and luckily I got in! I’d previously been…Continue…

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  • Grace (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at DTU/Technical Denmark I can say without a doubt that my exchange at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) was an unforgettable experience. I will be discussing my time in Denmark, life at DTU, and everything in between. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s get right into it. I’ll start with accommodation,…Continue…

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  • Anais (Sem 2, 2023 + Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The University of Amsterdam I found out about the 360 International exchange programme through the University’s advertising. I chose the University of Amsterdam because of its range of courses in environmental studies available in English. When I first arrived in Amsterdam, I found the city very beautiful. The buildings were very old…Continue…

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  • Zainab (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The University of Washington I found out about the 360 international exchange programme through the university newsletter. My friend went to the in-person exchange information session and my parents encouraged me to apply to gain a broader world view. We decided to do the whole process together as we were both CS…Continue…

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  • Skye (Sem 1, 2024)

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    My Exchange at The University of Edinburgh The 360 exchange programme was great in preparing me for the exchange and a great opportunity to meet people. It was great to meet people also going to Edinburgh as we all became great friends. I found the insurance section of the talk really beneficial as I used…Continue…

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  • Tejas (Sem 1, 2024)

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    My Exchange at The University of Birmingham The 360 International exchange programme has proven to be one of the most enjoyable and pivotal moments during my time at university. I completed a semester exchange to the University of Birmingham in the UK during Semester 1 2024. It was such an incredible experience, and I encourage…Continue…

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  • Liam (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at Paris-Sorbonne University Oh, where to start. I guess from the beginning. I had studied for four years working towards a conjoint degree of Biology and History. I was just trudging along doing the usual Auckland University stuff, just being a student. Never in my mind came the idea of doing an exchange…Continue…

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  • Shengwei (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The University of Nottingham at Ningbo How I found out about the 360 International exchange programme I learned about the program from the UoA’s official website. Feelings/first impressions upon arrival My first impression on arriving at the university was that the dormitory location was excellent, with many supermarkets and snack shops nearby….Continue…

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  • Lydia (Sem 1, 2024)

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    My Exchange at The Chinese University of Hong Kong I really appreciate this semester’s exchange opportunity. My host university is the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a prosperous city with a solid cultural foundation, as demonstrated in Hong Kong’s universities. One of my first impressions of CUHK is the campus is really…Continue…

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  • Grace (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at Stockholm University Going on exchange was my first time being away from family and living on my own, so it was quite challenging at the beginning. While it was hard since the sun went down at 3pm and the culture was not anything I was used to, it was relatively easy to…Continue…

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  • Jingtong (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The National University of Singapore Hi, my name is Jingtong, and the host university I went to is the National University of Singapore. In my first semester at UOA, I found out about the 360 International exchange programme in a post on Red, where an alumnus shared her exchange experience on the…Continue…

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  • Xingyue (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at Fudan University In the spring semester of 2024, I had the honor to come to China as an exchange student to study at Fudan University. This period not only broadened my academic horizon, but also made me deeply feel the Chinese culture and life. During my stay in Fudan University, I took…Continue…

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  • Rahil (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at Nanyang Technological University Discovering the 360 International Exchange Programme I first heard about the 360 International Exchange Programme through a friend who was interested in taking part in an exchange. Intrigued, I decided to explore the opportunity further and ultimately chose to spend a semester at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore….Continue…

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  • Henry (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The University of Queensland I found at about the 360 International exchange programme through one of my friends at University. He mentioned his great experience overseas and it made me interested in completing a semester abroad. I completed my exchange at the University of Queensland in Australia. Upon arrival, I noticed the…Continue…

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  • Jianyang (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at Fudan University Exchange Report Discovering the 360 International Exchange Programme I found out about the 360 International Exchange Programme on the university’s official website and in promotional materials from the Study Abroad Office. This programme provides us with the opportunity to exchange and study at internationally renowned universities, and I was immediately…Continue…

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  • Anson (Sem 1, 2024)

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    My Exchange at The University of Leeds I found out about the 360 international exchange program from fellow students that had gone on an exchange program. And soon I found out more and more information about it. The feeling was quite exciting but yet anxious when I first arrived here at Leeds as my exchange…Continue…

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  • Eric (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The National University of Singapore – Business I learned about the 360 International Exchange Programme through the University of Auckland’s study abroad office. Where I was captivated by the opportunities it presented for academic growth and cultural immersion. Upon arriving in Singapore, I was immediately struck by the city’s modernity and vibrant…Continue…

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  • Shuting (Sem 1, 2024)


    My Exchange at The National University of Singapore The exchange to the National University of Singapore is a great experience. It let me realize 3 points that I need to improve. First, I was struggling with my grade, but do not know why I can never fully understand exam questions. The exchange to Singapore let…Continue…

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