Lucy (Sem 1, 2024)

My Exchange at The Utrecht University

My exchange experience at Utrecht University in The Netherlands, was a once in a lifetime experience. It has provided me with lifelong friends from all corners of the world, travel experiences all over Europe, and a unique academic experience learning about international law right from the epicentre.

Utrecht University has a vibrant student culture in a charming city inbetween its capital Amsterdam and The Hague, which boast a range of International Law institutions such as the ICJ. The city itself is filled with old canals, cobbled streets and many, many bike lanes, as well as cozy cafes and green parks. The presence of the Erasmus Student Network organisation meant that it was easy to make friends and participate in activities through the student-run organisation and orientation week. One of my favourite parts of Utrecht, and the Netherlands, in general is the culture of biking. My first activity when I arrived was renting my bike so I could cycle to and from class and around the city. It is truly an incredible aspect of life that is environmentally friendly and a fun way to get around.

My courses at the University provided me with unique insight into the International and European law fields. I studied labour law, international organisations, human rights, and gender. My lecturers, classmates and guest speakers gave me a global perspective on the legal field I will take with me further into my studies and beyond. A particular highlight for me was the range of incredible guest speakers and lecturers. 

Overall, this exchange provided such a unique opportunity to learn about different cultures, study my chosen field, and also travel. So far, it has been my favourite part of my university experience, and I am so grateful I decided to complete a semester abroad.


What were some of the highlights of the academic experience at your host university?

The University provided me with unique insight into the International and European law fields. I studied labour law, international organisations, human rights, and gender. My lecturers, classmates and guest speakers gave me a global perspective on the legal field I will take with me further into my studies and beyond. A particular highlight for me was the range of incredible guest speakers and lecturers. 

Would you recommend any particular activity/activities unique to your host country or university?

An activity unique to the Netherlands is, of course, the Keukenhof in springtime! A huge, beautiful tulip garden only in bloom a couple of months a year. Other highlights from Utrecht were kayaking around the canals and trying the cute coffee shops around town. Beautiful cities such as the Hague and Amsterdam are also must-sees! If you are interested in law, the Hague is awesome for the International Criminal Courts and the International Court of Justice, you can even watch a hearing.

What are your top 3 tips for future students attending your host university or going on exchange to your host country?

  1. Try your best to get SSH accommodation as it is super hard to get private accommodation, treat it like buying concert tickets that sell out in seconds!
  2. Rent a bike from Swapfiets.
  3. Make the most of the train network in Holland, you can do day trips around the Netherlands easily on your day offs.

How much did you budget for your exchange? Was this enough? Were there any lessons learned that would help future students budget for their own exchange?

I saved around 12k for my exchange; I also got student loan living costs every week and had an exchange scholarship. this was more than enough and I did a lot of travelling.

What are your most significant takeaways from your experience abroad?

Exchange is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make friends from all over the world and learn first-hand about different cultures and ways of life. This learning experience and the friendships I will take with me forever are my biggest takeaway.

Do you want to share anything about travels you did outside your host city/country?

I had the opportunity to travel beyond the Netherlands to countries such as Hungary, Germany, Denmark, Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, France, Poland and more, which was invaluable. Highlights for me were the ability to get around so easily in the Netherlands. I took a night train and in the morning was in Munich for a day of exploring, followed by a magical day hiking in Salzburg. Another highlight was trips to Lake Como in Italy as well as a week in Copenhagen in my mid-semester break.

Final Comments

Overall, this exchange provided such a unique opportunity to learn about different cultures, study my chosen field, and also travel. So far it has been my favorite part of my university experience and I am so grateful I decided to complete a semester abroad. I encourage anyone thinking about an exchange to seize the once in a lifetime opportunity.


2024, Report, Law