Leo (Sem 2, 2023)

My Exchange at The University of Edinburgh

My name is Leo Yan, and I am a third-year civil engineering student. I appreciate the University of Auckland’s 360 International Exchange Program for allowing me to explore undergraduate study life in Edinburgh.

Through the exchange program, I have experienced a different learning style as a minor civil engineering course than the University of Auckland and the exploration of laboratory sessions on hydraulics and water treatment. Furthermore, I have participated in the University of Edinburgh squash club and relaxed through the sessions. The factor that influenced my decision to participate in this exchange program is that the diverse teaching styles and resources provide a rich academic experience for me. Additionally, Edinburgh has a rich history; exploring the city can be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Edinburgh is a beautiful city, an entire historical infrastructure city. I enjoyed life in Edinburgh by viewing Carlton Hill and the big church. The atmosphere was colder than in Auckland when I arrived, but my passion for travelling to the city was not extinguished. I visited the famous museum in Edinburgh, toured the beautiful Edinburgh Castle and climbed the National Monument of Scotland on Calton Hill.

The accommodation in Edinburgh is excellent. I could see Arthur’s Seat through my room’s window, creating an inspiring backdrop for study and relaxation. The view offers a dynamic blend of tranquillity and energy, serving as a constant source of motivation during my studies. The beautiful perspective broadens my horizon and is a refreshing contrast to Auckland, which offers a diverse visual experience.

In all the courses during the exchange, the professors were exceptionally dedicated, providing me with valuable insights into local environmental engineering practices in Scotland. The comparison between the UK’s and Scotland’s water quality analysis and the knowledge gained in hydraulic engineering and tackling advanced mathematical problems proved immensely beneficial. This unique experience further enriched my understanding of civil engineering through different teaching styles in a new country.

During the exam season at the University of Edinburgh, I truly experienced the intensity of academic pressure. The complexity and abundance of study materials, coupled with a shorter revision period compared to the University of Auckland, initially made me feel a bit overwhelmed. However, I gradually adjusted my mindset and daily routine as time progressed. I maintained a habit of consistently arriving at the library by 10 AM and studying until 10 PM for nearly a month. This disciplined approach allowed me to navigate the exams easily, overcoming the challenges of the most challenging exam season.

For future exchange students embarking on this transformative journey, my foremost advice is to approach the experience with an open mind and be ready to embrace the unfamiliar. Additionally, academic challenges will arise in comparison to the University of Auckland. Thus, I recommend communicating with professors more actively and taking advantage of any office hours or Q&A sessions provided to overcome academic challenges.

Reflecting on my exchange experience at the University of Edinburgh, I am grateful for the invaluable lessons learned and the memories created. Beyond civil engineering studies, the exchange program has significantly enhanced my adaptability. The differences in teaching methodologies prompted a swift adaptation to new learning styles. This adaptability has extended to my interactions, where I found myself effortlessly navigating social communication in the multicultural environment of Edinburgh.


What were some of the highlights of the academic experience at your host university?

The dynamic and engaging nature of the courses marked several standout highlights in my academic experience at the University of Edinburgh. The diverse perspectives from professors and peers enriched my understanding of civil engineering concepts, fostering a more comprehensive approach to problem-solving. The Honours Differential Equations course, in particular, stood out for its rigorous yet stimulating content, challenging me to delve deeper into mathematical complexities. Additionally, a significant highlight revolved around the immersive experience in the Water Treatment and Hydraulic Modelling Laboratory. This specialised environment provided a hands-on opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to practical, real-world scenarios. Engaging in water treatment experiments and hydraulic modelling exercises was intellectually stimulating and deeply insightful. The laboratory sessions allowed me to grasp the intricacies of water engineering with a tangible, applied perspective. Collaborating with fellow students in this dynamic setting not only enhanced my understanding of the subject matter but also fostered a sense of camaraderie and shared exploration.

Would you recommend any particular activity/activities unique to your host country or university?

One highly recommended and uniquely enriching activity at the University of Edinburgh is joining the squash club. As an exchange student, immersing myself in this vibrant sports community not only contributed to my physical well-being but also served as a fantastic platform for cultural integration. The friendly competition and welcoming atmosphere of the squash club created a unique social space within the university, fostering a sense of camaraderie and friendship. Moreover, the squash club always has skilled coaches dedicated to teaching and guiding players of all levels to ensure everybody is engaged.

What are your top 3 tips for future students attending your host university or going on exchange to your host country?

1. Embrace Cultural Immersion:

Embrace the rich cultural tapestry of Edinburgh and the broader Scottish experience. Attend local events, explore historical sites, and interact with locals to better understand their unique traditions and perspectives. The cultural immersion goes beyond the classroom and significantly enhances the exchange experience.

2. Actively Engage in Extracurriculars:

Take advantage of the diverse range of extracurricular activities offered by the University of Edinburgh. Whether joining a sports club, participating in cultural events, or volunteering, these activities provide a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, make friends, and create lasting memories.

3. Adapt to Weather Variability:

Be prepared for Edinburgh’s weather variability. The city is known for its ever-changing climate, so bring layers and waterproof gear. Embrace the beauty of misty mornings and be ready for spontaneous rain showers. Adapting to the weather makes daily life more comfortable and allows you to appreciate the charm of Edinburgh in all its atmospheric conditions.

How much did you budget for your exchange? Was this enough? Were there any lessons learned that would help future students budget for their own exchange?

I initially budgeted NZD 20,000 for my exchange journey, which I found to be relatively sufficient for my stay. However, the expenditure varied based on travel, extracurricular activities, and personal preferences. I gained a crucial lesson in practical asset management, emphasising the importance of allocating funds purposefully rather than spending without constraints or a clear financial concept. While having a predetermined budget is crucial, being open to adjustments based on unforeseen circumstances or unexpected opportunities is equally vital. I would suggest that future students research the cost of living in the host country and understand that currency exchange rates can help create a more realistic budget.

What are your most significant takeaways from your experience abroad?

My experience abroad has been a profound journey of self-discovery, cultural immersion, and academic enrichment. One of the most significant takeaways has been the deepened understanding of cultural diversity and the ability to navigate and appreciate different perspectives. Engaging with a diverse student body at the University of Edinburgh broadened my horizons, fostering adaptability and cross-cultural communication skills.

Academically, delving into water treatment and hydraulic modelling through hands-on experiences in the laboratory provided a tangible dimension to my civil engineering studies. The practical applications of theoretical knowledge enhanced my technical skills and instilled a real-world perspective in approaching engineering challenges.

On a personal level, the experience abroad has nurtured resilience and adaptability. Being away from the familiar surroundings of home pushed me to step out of my comfort zone, face challenges head-on, and develop a strong sense of self-reliance. I discovered an inner strength from navigating unfamiliar situations and overcoming obstacles in a foreign environment.

In essence, my time abroad has been a holistic and transformative experience, shaping my academic and professional trajectory and my personal growth and cultural awareness. It has instilled a sense of curiosity, adaptability, and resilience that will undoubtedly influence my future endeavours and contribute to a more global perspective in my personal and professional life.

Final Comments

The exchange journey gives university students the optimal opportunity to take their initial steps into exploring the world and immersing themselves in an unfamiliar academic learning atmosphere. It is a transformative experience, providing a unique platform for personal growth, cultural discovery, and academic enrichment.

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Tags: 2023, Engineering, Report