Kelly (Sem 2, 2023)

My Exchange at The National University of Singapore

I learned about the exchange program through a friend and gained more information about it by reading the websites and attending expos by 360 International.

When I arrived at my hall, my first impression was that the people were incredibly friendly. Since my flight landed around 10 pm, I had requested a late check-in. However, the key that was supposed to be left for me in the key box was missing. Fortunately, another resident in the hall helped me solve the problem, and we became close friends afterward.

I lived in a hall at NUS, where there are four types of accommodations. I stayed in the least fancy type, which didn’t have air conditioning, but it was the most enjoyable. There were various activities, such as inter-block sports games, performance arts teams, and block activities that allowed me to get to know other residents in the hall. I joined the NUS board game club and choir. The board game club held weekly meetups with a wide selection of games, and I met many fellow board game enthusiasts to play with. Additionally, I had the opportunity to perform with my choir in the hall and met some wonderful people who shared my love for singing.

NUS offers orientation programs organised by each faculty. The leaders were very friendly and guided us around the main areas we needed to know for our classes. Due to the large size of the campus, we couldn’t tour the entire campus, but I still had the chance to meet many fellow exchange students. During that week, there were large-scale performances by NUS students, as well as numerous stalls offering free merchandise. It was truly impressive to see. 

Campus life at NUS was quite different from UoA. The NUS campus is much larger, and there are free shuttles that run across it, emphasising its size. There are also numerous food options available on campus, with each faculty having its own canteen offering a variety of affordable choices. For instance, a meal like chicken rice costs around $4 NZD.

During my exchange semester, I took 5 courses. I appreciated the interactive nature of the courses, which included group projects and labs, as it allowed me to meet my classmates. The course load was similar to UoA, and I found it manageable since the grading system was pass/fail, which reduced stress and provided more time to explore the country.

Singapore was…very hot and quite small. Most tourist places could be explored within a week. I enjoyed the safe and convenient environment, making it a great place to live. The food was a highlight for me, with a wide variety of options, particularly Asian cuisine that suited my taste. In terms of cost of living, it was comparable to, if not lower than Auckland. Food on campus was cheap, while prices in malls were similar to NZ. I recommend saving extra money for travelling and entry fees to tourist attractions.

One of the highlights of my exchange was travelling with new friends in Singapore. I went to Malaysia for 5 days during the reading week with a few other exchange students and local students. We quickly became close and embarked on another trip to Vietnam during the second reading week. It was an unforgettable experience, and I highly recommend travelling as much as you can during your exchange if you have the opportunity.

If I were to give advice to students considering an exchange program, I would say go for it and try things you’ve never done before. If there’s one thing I wish I had done differently, it would be taking fewer courses to have more time to travel and explore Asia during my time in Singapore. Overall, it was truly a remarkable experience and I would recommend it to anyone who is thinking about it. 


What were some of the highlights of the academic experience at your host university?

One highlight of my academic experience at NUS was the opportunity to work in the labs. In the advanced food engineering course, I had hands-on experience with various equipment, including a lab-scale dehydrator and membrane filter. It was exciting to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world experiments and gain practical skills in food engineering. The labs deepened my understanding of the subject and instilled confidence in my abilities. Overall, the lab component was a standout experience that left a lasting impression on my academic journey at NUS.

Would you recommend any particular activity/activities unique to your host country or university?

Singapore’s multiculturalism offers a unique experience where you can explore diverse cuisines and lifestyles. One thing that poped up is Singapore mahjong, which is a new skills I picked up while living in halls and hanging out with the local students. 

What are your top 3 tips for future students attending your host university or going on exchange to your host country?

Travel as much as possible, meet new people and build lifelong connections, and step out of your comfort zone by trying new things. Embrace the adventure and make the most of this unique opportunity in your life.

How much did you budget for your exchange? Was this enough? Were there any lessons learned that would help future students budget for their own exchange?

The accommodation fee for one semester at NUS was $3,700 NZD, which included breakfast and dinner. In addition to accommodation and tuition fees, I received a student allowance of $350 per week. This allowance proved to be sufficient to cover my everyday expenses and even allowed me to budget for travel expenses.

What are your most significant takeaways from your experience abroad?

My exchange experience at NUS has made me realize that the world is vast and has sparked reflections on where I want to live in the future. It has instilled in me a desire to explore more of the world and has taught me that I don’t have to restrict myself to staying in one place indefinitely. The exposure to different cultures, people, and environments has broadened my horizons and opened my mind to the possibilities of living in various locations. This experience has ignited a sense of adventure, encouraging me to embrace a more global perspective and embrace the idea of exploring different parts of the world.


Tags: 2023, Natural Sciences, Report