Georgia (Sem 1, 2024)

My Exchange at The University of Amsterdam

I found out about 360 exchange when I first started university at UoA 6 years ago. It was part of the reason I chose UoA because of how awesome the exchange programme was! When I first arrived in Amsterdam, it was off the back of a prior semester exchange in Barcelona, and so I was pretty shattered and nervous to embark on a second one! Also the weather was shocking compared to Barcelona haha.

I got the lottery to have student accommodation which was brilliant, so I had my own little room with a kitchen and bathroom which I absolutely loved. The orientation at the uni was brilliant, and it was how I met basically all my friends I had for the semester. Going to those initial things is so important. The cost of living in Amsterdam compared to Barcelona and Auckland was a shock, it’s a lot more expensive, coffees are at least 4 euros! But exchange was incredible! I love Amsterdam and it was so amazing living there for 5 months. I actually got a job there which was so awesome because it meant I felt so much more integrated in the community, and I got to meet so many people. You can work in Amsterdam for 17 hours a week as an international student, so that was so awesome, after doing two exchanges back to back I really needed a job!

I definitely initially found the weather actually a hard adjustment because it was so miserable, and you’re expected to ride your bike everywhere! “You’re not made out of sugar” as the Dutch say haha. Also after my exchange in Barcelona where i had set up such a life, and moved over there with some of my best friends from home, moving to Amsterdam by myself was definitely an adjustment. I was very nervous to make friends but the universities, especially UvA, are really good at setting up heaps of activities and orientation days to ensure you meet people. Also everyone is in the same boat wanting to make friends so its good! Amsterdam is quite a small place so I really feel like in my 5 months there I got such a good hold of it, I would highly recommend it as a place to study on exchange. It really comes into it’s own in Spring as well, don’t be put off by the miserable winter weather! And get a bike!!


What were some of the highlights of the academic experience at your host university?

The University of Amsterdam feels like such an institution. It is a beautiful main campus and there are bits of the campus dotted all around the city which you bike ride around to which is awesome. The University really feels like it’s at the forefront of academia, and that was really evident even in tutorials and lecture styles. It felt like a super innovative and progressive uni.

Would you recommend any particular activity/activities unique to your host country or university?

Do the orientation events. Make sure you travel around the Netherlands because it’s so small and easily accessible!

What are your top 3 tips for future students attending your host university or going on exchange to your host country?

  1. Get a bike!! You need a bike to get around Amsterdam. You can rent them from Swap fiets for cheap, everyone i know who bought a bike, it got stolen. Biking is so much cheaper than public transport and takes half the time. The city is so set up for it too!
  2. Go to the orientation events, that where you’ll make most of your friends.
  3. Definitely try to do uni accommodation; going independent to try to get a place is nearly impossible.

How much did you budget for your exchange? Was this enough? Were there any lessons learned that would help future students budget for their own exchange?

My situation was a bit different because I had already done an exchange the semester prior to this, so my funds were pretty dire haha. But I got a job in Amsterdam relatively easily! Not being able to speak dutch isn’t a problem in lots of places.

What are your most significant takeaways from your experience abroad?

It was just absolutely incredible. The best thing I’ve ever done. I learnt so much about myself, it really tested my resilience, and now I know I can set myself up in another country! Meeting new people and travelling and experiencing things you could never experience at home is just incredible.

Do you want to share anything about travels you did outside your host city/country?

I did lots of travelling around whenever there were cheap flights, you might as well when you’re on that side of the world!

Final Comments

Enjoy!! and do it!!


2024, Business, Marketing/Management, Report