Frankie (Sem 2, 2023)

My Exchange at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

I found out about the 360 exchange just by searching the UoA website. I always knew that when I started uni I would want to do an exchange.

When I first arrived in Raleigh I was in awe. It was nothing like I expected in the best way. I was completely out of my comfort zone which is always a mix of exhilaration and nerves. My accommodation was unfortunately not amazing but that is to be expected when staying on campus. It was definitely part of the experience though because that is what almost all American students go through. Orientation at UNC wasn’t the most comprehensive but it is easy to get your bearings. Especially with the other exchange students. You are all in it together.

My courses were amazing. They were so hands-on at UNC. It felt a bit like going back to high school in some ways. I haven’t had that kind of interaction with lecturers at UoA in the Econ department. It feels like there are so many opportunities there. The college town Chapel Hill is nothing special but in some ways that is a good thing, it means you and all other UNC students have to make your own fun and everyone hangs out a lot. America is still America so there is a lot to get used to with their culture and interactions especially.

The cost of living was surprisingly expensive compared to Auckland. I am never complaining about food or coffee prices again! I was part of the rugby and Econ club at UNC. I would HIGHLY recommend joining a club whilst there because it is a great way to meet Americans and make friends. Also their clubs have so many more resources in general than here in NZ.

I also did a bit of travel around the southeast and it was amazing. The food was not the best (I never knew how spoiled we are in NZ) but when you find the little southern gems you will become a regular at those spots. Advice is just to dive in and whilst it’s overwhelming and scary at times, just make the most of everything in front of you especially in the first couple of weeks! The semester will go quicker than you think.


What were some of the highlights of the academic experience at your host university?

The lecturers and structures of the Econ courses were amazing. We had speakers for one of my courses come in and do seminars. One was a former analyst at Uber and the other was the head of a big consulting firm specialising in collusion and antitrust cases that go to court e.g. when mergers happen there may be concerns of monopoly. And the lecturer of that class said we could have their phone numbers if we wanted to get in touch with them and ask further questions. There is SO MUCH opportunity.

Would you recommend any particular activity/activities unique to your host country or university?

Joining any club but I had a lot of fun with the rugby club. I met so many cool guys and got to go to parties I would have had no idea about otherwise. The football and basketball games were also a huge highlight of my time at UNC. GO TAR HEELS!!

What are your top 3 tips for future students attending your host university or going on exchange to your host country?

1. Join clubs!!!!! SERIOUSLY!

2. Be the one to organise activities with exchange students! Everyone is in the same boat so if you are the one to reach out you get the ball rolling on friendships so much faster. I loved the people I met at UNC but the only downside was that I wish I got those friendships started sooner because the end of the semester was so much fun that I wish I had more.

3. Book trips with friends as soon as you can. The semester gets hectic and a lot of courses have 2 – 3 mid-semester exams per semester. So it is easy to be too focused on those and forget to plan trips whenever you get a long weekend.

How much did you budget for your exchange? Was this enough? Were there any lessons learned that would help future students budget for their own exchange?

I can’t remember how much I spent but if you give yourself roughly $15-20 thousand you will have no worries. It is unfortunately very expensive and it can be done cheaper for sure, but when you go halfway around the world for four months you want to do it right.

What are your most significant takeaways from your experience abroad?

The friends and a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience. YOU WILL NEVER get the chance to do something like this again. Trust me, as an older student (26) who has done a lot of travel before my exchange. Getting the excuse to go to another country for an extended time and get truly immersed in its culture is very hard to do at any other point in your life. Especially for a country like the USA. The college experience is so unique and it exists nowhere else and is only available to experience whilst you are at uni. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

Do you want to share anything about travels you did outside your host city/country?

New Orleans and Louisiana in general is an absolutely insane place with so many things to do and antics to get embroiled in. It’s so much fun.

Final Comments

Just do it! If you are coming up with reasons not to, just forget them and do it.


Tags: 2023, Accounting/Finance, Business, Economics, Report