Eric (Sem 1, 2024)

My Exchange at The National University of Singapore – Business

I learned about the 360 International Exchange Programme through the University of Auckland’s study abroad office. Where I was captivated by the opportunities it presented for academic growth and cultural immersion.

Upon arriving in Singapore, I was immediately struck by the city’s modernity and vibrant energy. The lush greenery interspersed with skyscrapers created a unique urban landscape. My initial feelings were a mix of excitement and nervousness, but the welcoming atmosphere at NUS quickly put me at ease. I stayed at one of the university’s residential colleges, which provided a comfortable and convenient living environment. My room was well-furnished, and the amenities included study areas, common lounges, and laundry facilities. The proximity to campus facilities made it easy to participate in various activities.

The academic experience at NUS was rigorous and enriching. The courses were well-structured, with a strong emphasis on research and critical thinking. The professors were approachable and highly knowledgeable in their fields. I particularly enjoyed the interactive and collaborative learning environment. The cost of living in Singapore was relatively high compared to Auckland, especially in terms of accommodation and dining out. However, affordable options were available, particularly within the university canteens and hawker centres. Budgeting and planning were essential to managing expenses effectively. Singapore is renowned for its culinary diversity, and this was a highlight of my exchange. From local delights like Hainanese chicken rice to international cuisines, the food scene was both exciting and affordable. The university canteens offered a wide variety of dishes, catering to different dietary preferences. For students considering the 360 International Exchange Programme at NUS, I recommend: research thoroughly and plan your budget, participate actively in orientation and extracurricular activities, embrace the cultural diversity and be open to new experiences, utilize university support services for any academic or personal issues.


What were some of the highlights of the academic experience at your host university?

The academic experience at NUS was rigorous and enriching. The courses were well-structured, with a strong emphasis on research and critical thinking. The professors were approachable and highly knowledgeable in their fields. I particularly enjoyed the interactive and collaborative learning environment.

Would you recommend any particular activity/activities unique to your host country or university?

Visiting cultural sites like Chinatown and Little India, and enjoying the vibrant nightlife. Academically, engaging with world-class faculty and participating in cutting-edge research projects were invaluable.

What are your top 3 tips for future students attending your host university or going on exchange to your host country?

Research thoroughly and plan your budget.

Participate actively in orientation and extracurricular activities.

Embrace the cultural diversity and be open to new experiences.

How much did you budget for your exchange? Was this enough? Were there any lessons learned that would help future students budget for their own exchange?

The cost of living in Singapore was relatively high compared to Auckland, especially in terms of accommodation and dining out. However, affordable options were available, particularly within the university canteens and hawker centres. Budgeting and planning were essential to managing expenses effectively.

What are your most significant takeaways from your experience abroad?

Make friends with a lot of students from different countries with different cultures.

Do you want to share anything about travels you did outside your host city/country?

I had the opportunity to travel beyond my host cities and explore Thailand and Taiwan. These travels were enriching experiences that added a new dimension to my overall exchange journey. Here, I share some highlights and insights from my travels to these fascinating destinations.

Final Comments

My exchange experience at the National University of Singapore was transformative, academic, and cultural. I recommend future exchange students to go to SG.


2024, Accounting/Finance, Report