David (Sem 1, 2024)

My Exchange at The University of Edinburgh

I found out about the exchange from a friend. Arriving at my host I felt quite lonely, not knowing many people, but that’s also the thing I enjoyed the most- having a blank slate and being able to freely socialize without preexisting social dynamics. And I’m sure the friends I’ve made will stay with me my whole life. My accommodation was often made fun of, being called the dungeon as it was underground, but it was alright. I feel it’s more about your flatmates than about the infrastructure, people can make do in any kind of environment, it’s our adaptability that allowed us to conquer all parts of the world, but if you have flatmates who were as slovenly as mine it can be a bit hard to endure. I was in the debates union as an extracurricular, but to be honest in one semester it’s hard enough already to squeeze all the time you have into spending with friends you’ve made there whom you probably live on the other side of the globe from, so it’s not necessary to join extracurriculars. Food is quite expensive in Edinburgh, though groceries are significantly cheaper than Auckland, so if you have a clean enough kitchen, it’s best to cook.


What were some of the highlights of the academic experience at your host university?

In honours complex variables I had Richard Gatwick who is the best lecturer I’ve ever had by far.

Would you recommend any particular activity/activities unique to your host country or university?

The debates union was really worth it, as you get to do competitions all across Europe. For example I judged at Trinity College Dublin, then competed at St Andrews, and had the option to compete in places such as Lund, Athens, and Vienna, all with subsidies from the society.

What are your top 3 tips for future students attending your host university or going on exchange to your host country?

Get a Wise card, clean up after yourself in your flat, and talk to people.

How much did you budget for your exchange? Was this enough? Were there any lessons learned that would help future students budget for their own exchange?

20k, it was enough for my lifestyle. Lesson learnt is budget properly.

What are your most significant takeaways from your experience abroad?

That people from around the world are largely just the same, we’re all just looking for others with the same sense of humor.

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2024, Applied Sciences, Computer Science, Report