Daniel (Sem 2, 2023)

My Exchange at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

My exchange experience at the University of North Carolina (UNC) program was an enriching journey filled with personal growth, cultural exploration, and academic challenges. Despite my initial plans to study overseas after high school, the pandemic rendered that inherently impossible. However, in 2022, during my role as a Resident Advisor (RA) at UoA, I learned about the 360 International exchange program, which provided comprehensive information about partner universities, application procedures, and the benefits of participating in such programs.

Arriving in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, filled me with a mix of excitement and nervousness. The campus exuded a vibrant energy, and the Southern hospitality immediately made me feel welcome. I must admit, the culture shock was quite confronting for the first couple of weeks. This was evident in my courses at UNC; although they were very traditional, they were intellectually stimulating, with passionate professors who encouraged critical thinking and active participation. The teaching methods emphasized practical applications and fostered a collaborative learning environment.

Chapel Hill and the broader North Carolina region offered a diverse array of experiences. Everyone was very nice and interested in my background. Compared to Auckland, the cost of living in Chapel Hill was generally lower, particularly in terms of housing and dining expenses. However, it’s essential to budget wisely and be mindful of unexpected expenses. Life on UNC’s campus was dynamic and diverse, with a plethora of student organizations, events, and recreational facilities. The sense of community fostered a supportive environment conducive to personal and academic growth. Several moments stand out as highlights of my exchange, including forming lasting friendships with students from around the world, immersing myself in American culture, and achieving academic milestones in a new learning environment.

My exchange experience at UNC was transformative, shaping my worldview and fostering personal growth. I am grateful for the opportunity to have immersed myself in a new academic and cultural environment, and I hope this report serves as a valuable resource for future exchange students embarking on their own transformative journeys.


What were some of the highlights of the academic experience at your host university?

In the Financial Modeling course, I delved into the intricacies of business operations, primarily through the analysis and forecasting of financial data using tools like Microsoft Excel. The emphasis lay in applying these techniques to practical scenarios, such as investment valuation and risk assessment, honing skills that are highly sought-after in professional settings. Additionally, the lecturer’s clear explanations and hands-on approach greatly facilitated my understanding and engagement with the material.

Econometrics involved the application of statistical methods to economic data, facilitating my understanding of relationships between various economic variables. Through regression analysis and other statistical tools, I gained insights into causal relationships and learned to differentiate between correlation and causation. The lecturer’s expertise and enthusiasm for the subject matter made the complex concepts more accessible and compelling.

Macroeconomics examined the behavior and performance of entire economies, focusing on factors such as national income, inflation, and unemployment. I analyzed the effects of monetary and fiscal policies on aggregate economic outcomes, both domestically and globally. The lecturer’s ability to connect theoretical concepts with real-world examples brought the subject matter to life, fostering a deeper understanding of macroeconomic principles.

In DRAM135, I immersed myself in the art of character portrayal and theatrical performance. Under the guidance of an experienced and passionate lecturer, I learned to embody characters convincingly and convey emotions authentically on stage. The lecturer’s constructive feedback and encouragement nurtured my growth as a performer, instilling confidence and refining my skills in voice, movement, and improvisation.

Would you recommend any particular activity/activities unique to your host country or university?

Being immersed in campus life at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has been an enriching experience during my exchange. From bustling student organizations hosting events on the quad to the vibrant cultural scene at the Carolina Union, there’s always something happening on campus. Whether it’s attending lectures by renowned guest speakers, participating in lively debates at the Carolina Political Union, or enjoying performances by talented student musicians at the Pit, there’s no shortage of intellectual and cultural stimulation. The Carolina Performing Arts Center hosts a diverse array of performances, from classical music concerts to contemporary dance productions, providing opportunities for artistic exploration and appreciation. Sports enthusiasts can cheer on the Tar Heels at iconic venues like the Dean E. Smith Center or Kenan Memorial Stadium, soaking in the electric atmosphere of college athletics.

What are your top 3 tips for future students attending your host university or going on exchange to your host country?

 Firstly, I highly recommend getting involved in campus activities. The university offers a diverse range of clubs and organizations catering to various interests, providing excellent opportunities to meet new people and explore your passions.

Secondly, don’t hesitate to utilize the academic resources available to you. Whether it’s seeking assistance from professors during office hours, joining study groups, or accessing tutoring services, taking advantage of these resources can greatly enhance your academic experience and support your success.

Lastly, make sure to explore Chapel Hill and its surroundings beyond campus. From the bustling streets of Franklin Street to the tranquil beauty of local parks, there’s so much to discover in the area. Exploring the region allows you to immerse yourself in the local culture and create memorable experiences outside of academic life.

How much did you budget for your exchange? Was this enough? Were there any lessons learned that would help future students budget for their own exchange?

Once I had covered the essential costs of living, such as accommodation, groceries, transportation, and utilities, I found that I had approximately $100 US per week left to manage other aspects of my life outside of university. This amount allowed me to stay up to date with various expenses, including social activities, entertainment, personal care items, and unexpected expenses. One significant advantage of living near the university was that many events and activities, such as football games and campus events, were either free or available through a lottery scheme for students. This meant that I could enjoy popular attractions and experiences without straining my budget.

To make the most of this budget, I adopted several cost-saving strategies and lifestyle adjustments. For instance, I opted for affordable entertainment options such as movie nights at home, picnics in the park, or exploring free attractions and events in the city. I also took advantage of student discounts and special offers to stretch my budget further when dining out or attending concerts or shows.

Moreover, I found that establishing a weekly or monthly budget plan helped me track my expenses and allocate funds effectively. By setting aside a portion of my budget for discretionary spending and saving any leftover funds for future expenses or emergencies, I was able to maintain financial stability and avoid unnecessary stress.

What are your most significant takeaways from your experience abroad?

During my time abroad, I had the wonderful opportunity to meet a diverse array of people from around the world, and I’ve formed meaningful connections that I intend to maintain. Whether it was fellow exchange students, local residents, or university faculty, I encountered individuals with unique backgrounds and perspectives, enriching my experience in countless ways. Through shared experiences, laughter, and cultural exchanges, I forged friendships that transcended geographical boundaries. These connections have become an invaluable part of my journey, and I’m committed to staying in touch with these cool people as we continue to support and inspire each other in our respective endeavors.

Do you want to share anything about travels you did outside your host city/country?

One memorable trip was visiting relatives in Boston, which allowed me to explore a new city while reconnecting with family. It was incredibly cool to experience Boston’s rich history, vibrant culture, and iconic landmarks firsthand, from walking along the Freedom Trail to admiring the stunning architecture of Harvard University. Spending time with relatives added a personal touch to my travels, offering insights into local life and creating cherished memories. Exploring Boston together, sharing stories, and enjoying delicious meals made the trip even more meaningful. Overall, it was a fantastic opportunity to combine travel with family ties, and it further enhanced my appreciation for the diverse experiences that await beyond my host city.

Final Comments

Your exchange experience is what you make out of it; seize every moment and make the most of this transformative opportunity. You could easily get caught up thinking about how life is back home, but you should look live in the moment and really appreciate everything else that is going on around you. 


Tags: 2023, Business, Economics, Report