Brian (Sem 2, 2023)

My Exchange at The National University of Singapore

I found out about the 360 exchange programme of my own accord. I always thought of travelling to another country and experiencing beyond the tourist aspects a country offers. When I first arrived in Singapore, I was in a comforted mindset as I’d been here on vacation before, but as I stepped foot into NUS (National University of Singapore), my perspective changed immediately, amazed by the size of the campus. I had the privilege to stay in a family member’s household while in exchange. Orientation of the host university was comprehensive and allowed me to make many friends whom i became very close to. The teaching at the host university felt more compact as there were fewer lectures, but it required much more self-study. However, the lecturers and professors were extremely helpful in ensuring everyone was on track and understanding the content.

The host country of Singapore was full of cultural diversity and allowed me to experience the perfect blend of Eastern and Western cultures. The cost of living in Singapore varies largely on a person’s lifestyle. Whilst Singapore offers cheaper lifestyle options in terms of food and public transport, it also offers luxurious entertainment and food options. Overall I would say the cost of living is still generally lower than that of in Auckland.

I took part in two CCAs (Co-Curricular activities); one was a Christian club named Campus Crusades (CRU), as well as the basketball club, and in both clubs, I’ve made many friends whom I cherish. Life on campus was a new experience compared to UOA. There are many major welcome events to start the school year, in which the scale is much bigger and immersive. The various schools on the campus also portray the diverse culture of Singapore and always have events and activities to keep students involved.

The food in Singapore is diverse and full of flavour, while many staple Singaporean dishes are cheap and affordable options. When I want to indulge in more of a fancy dining, the upperclass restaurants also match the higher price point with exquisite flavours. Many of my highlights for the exchange are on the subject of food, from Singaporean Chinese food to Indian, western cuisine, many of which continue to make me want to go back to experience again. I also enjoyed making many different friends with diversed culture, such as the local students as well as exchange students from other countries, they provided me with a unforgettable time.

Throughout the exchange, there would be times when schoolwork was a bit overwhelming, and it was hard for me to balance the fun part of the exchange with the challenging part, as well as being homesick and being so far away from friends and family. But if there’s any advice I’d give to students thinking about the exchange programme, is to go for it and create memories that would last forever!


What were some of the highlights of the academic experience at your host university?

The lecturers and professors are quite supportive of exchange students, as they understand the culture at NUS may be overwhelming and competitive to overseas students. Therefore, they have offered plenty of help to ensure students are on track.

Would you recommend any particular activity/activities unique to your host country or university?

There’s not really any specific activities that i would recommend, but one thing I would suggest is to go to as many university wide events as possible, as there is always something going on in the uni where you can have heaps of fun and make friends, especially at the start of the semester

What are your top 3 tips for future students attending your host university or going on exchange to your host country?

My top 3 tips would be:

Make sure you save up enough money and budget accordingly. There are many countries close to Singapore that are cheap to travel to, and as you make friends on the exchange, you’ll travel 100%.

Don’t be afraid to attend social events and make new friends, sometimes it just takes that extra courage to make a friend that lasts a lifetime

Try every food there is in Singapore and go to as many places as you can, you’d be surprised how many things is hidden on this small country

How much did you budget for your exchange? Was this enough? Were there any lessons learned that would help future students budget for their own exchange?

In terms of budget, I saved up around $8k and came to an agreement with my parents for them to support me for any extra spending that exceeds my savings. I would say save up alot more than that as there are many travel opportunities

What are your most significant takeaways from your experience abroad?

The main takeaway from my exchange is that the world is so big and so diverse that even if you see and hear about a country’s unique attractions and environment, you won’t truly understand them until you spend time in the country exploring.

Do you want to share anything about travels you did outside your host city/country?

I travelled to Bali while on the exchange. It was a beautiful country with beautiful beaches and wonderful food. The people there are all really nice to tourists as well as being a lot cheaper generally compared to Singapore and New Zealand. I did end up with a Bali belly, which wasn’t ideal. but I did not regret the trip whatsoever, as it was super fun.


Tags: 2023, Accounting/Finance, Report