Anson (Sem 1, 2024)

My Exchange at The University of Leeds

I found out about the 360 international exchange program from fellow students that had gone on an exchange program. And soon I found out more and more information about it. The feeling was quite exciting but yet anxious when I first arrived here at Leeds as my exchange destination for University of Leeds. On the one side, I am looking forward to what will happen in the coming semester, but I also realise I will be all by myself from now on. The accommodation is quite new and thoroughly at my University, as it was built just a few years ago. I was staying in en-suite that comes with my bathroom and a common kitchen. My room was surprisingly bigger then normal due to the floor plan. My flatmates were nice, they are from all over the world, and its so nice to meet people from across the world, knowing each others stories. As for the orientation here at Leeds, they have a dedicated one for exchange students and I felt really informed since they have explained what us as exchange students really need to know.

Life on campus is also nice, there are a lot of supports from the University, from educational, co-curricular perspectives to socialising perspectives, there are a lot that the university has to offer.

The courses for me at the host university are quite different as what I study in Auckland since I have to adjust with course approval department accordingly. But nothing too major, I manage to hang on with it. The host country of mine will be the UK, which should have a similar culture and same language as NZ. So I got used to it in no time. As for cost of living in Leeds, it’s pricier if I am dining out in a restaurant compare to Auckland. Averaging at 13 GBP which is around 26 NZD for a full dinner. However it will be cheaper than NZ if I am cooking food at my accommodations. So it really depends on personal expenditure and practices. Food is also amazingly diverse as UK being a diverse country, there are all kind of food you can get here in the supermarkets. As for transportation systems, it’s amazing, especially if compared to Auckland. Train to London is just around 2.5 hours, and it’s often less than 20 pounds, around 40 NZD.

I did not take part in much co-curricular since travelling around Europe is preoccupy enough. This is also why I picked Europe as my exchange destinations, its close to a lot of other European countries that each packed with completely different culture I can explore. Flights are also cheap averaging at around 50 NZD for single ticket.

The challenges appeared as I progress through the exchange program, from day 1 not even knowing how to catch a bus to the accommodation till the last day sorting out credit transfer back to UOA. Challenges had and will definitely appear as expected, but its more of how you work around it with your calm and composed mindset that gets your through challenges one by one.

The highlight of the exchange will be travelling with new people that might end up as your lifelong friends. The most unexpected are the most amazing.

It’s the most amazing experience I had in my life, learnt a lot more than just what’s on the book, like being independent and interpersonal skills.

My advice is, if you have the thought of going on an exchange program but hesitated to do it, then just do it. Since your thought has 2 sides, about the good but held back by the bad and only that, it creates hesitation. But I do believe after the exchange program, all you really see is the good.


What were some of the highlights of the academic experience at your host university?

It is studying courses that is not even really related to my majors. But I still manage to get through most of them.

Would you recommend any particular activity/activities unique to your host country or university?

It will be the event called global cafe held every Monday, where you get to socialise with students in the Uni.

What are your top 3 tips for future students attending your host university or going on exchange to your host country?

Get railcard for trains, it save 1/3 per journey. You will make it up in a few trips.

Get an umbrella, weather in the UK is bad.

Go to global cafe to make friends.

How much did you budget for your exchange? Was this enough? Were there any lessons learned that would help future students budget for their own exchange?

Depends on your spending really, just like in Auckland.

But avoid dining out if you can, its quite pricey.

I would say about 80NZD weekly average would be fair.

What are your most significant takeaways from your experience abroad?

How to be independent. Just everything for my growth. Solving problems.

Final Comments

Just do it.

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2024, Business, Report