Amelia (Sem 1 + Sem 2, 2023)

My Exchange at The University of California

I found out about the 360 exchange program through my sister who went on an exchange at Kings College in London and loved it. I actually picked the University of Auckland based on the broad exchange program options through 360 exchange, as other universities offer less options and less US based universities in their program, and as a film student I believed an exchange in the USA would be of great value. I can confirm, it was.

When I first arrived before school I was a little terrified but shortly after orientation I settled right in. Like my sister suggested, I made the most of meeting other exchange students through orientation and other welcome events, as everyone there was also looking to meet people. I lived firstly in an apartment with other American UCLA students and quickly fell into college life and American culture. After completely loving my classes, campus, and lifestyle at UCLA I decided to extend my exchange for another six months and work through UCLA’s academic training program as a PR intern throughout the summer. I am not sure who needs to hear this, whether you’re a potential exchange student or someone on the 360 exchange team, but I would seriously recommend all forms being co-signed/owned by a family member just in-case! Extending my exchange was pretty difficult while abroad, especially dealing with StudyLink and not being able to make calls to New Zealand on my phone plan (WhatApp is great until you need to deal with a New Zealand governmental institution). 

UCLA’s Film and Communications program is world renowned, and I particularly enjoyed learning about film through an insider/Hollywood perspective and learning about the biz. The classes were more informal and decision based/participation based than what I was used to, and the quarter system was incredibly fast paced with midterms and finals feeling like they happened every two weeks. That being said, the content was so engaging I found myself loving the challenge and loving almost every moment of class. Lastly, UCLA’s campus and facilities were incredible. I enjoyed walking around campus, often in my free time because the buildings are absolutely beautiful and kind of remind me of Hogwarts. UCLA students also have free access to multiple outdoor pools, and the gym which is amazing. 

In LA there are ways to cut costs, like busing an hour to Chinatown for a $10 meal or buying groceries from Trader Joe’s, however, in general it is a very expensive place to live (especially by UCLA/Westwood). The New Zealand dollar does not go very far in the USA and especially LA. Although exchange students are warned that you can not work on the J-1 visa outside of restrictive hours and campus, however, on the academic training program you can earn money through an internship in your field of study. Academic training is not just useful for helping out with some extra cash, it is a great way to network and get real world practical experience. 


What were some of the highlights of the academic experience at your host university?

My professor helped start Wes Anderson’s career and spent a few lectures discussing the details from a producer’s angle. We also had a producer/writer for Family Guy come in as a guest lecturer. These were a few highlights from UCLA’s Communications and Film classes. Hollywood is so small and it was very special to have such an accomplished network of professionals. 

Would you recommend any particular activity/activities unique to your host country or university?

Yes! UCLA offers free boat and kayak rental from their own pier in Marina del Rey. I went kayaking with a couple friends in double kayaks and it was amazing and saw some seals. I also loved spending the day or time between class at Sunset Rec, tanning and swimming for free on campus. I went a couple times a week, and it’s even a good vibe and warm in the winter.

What are your top 3 tips for future students attending your host university or going on exchange to your host country?

  1. Say yes. That’s right…Make “doing it for the plot” your motto of the semester. At the end it’s the oppourtnities you missed that you will regret.
  2. Although Americans’ lifes are completely about grades and school – yours is not. Treat yourself to a new routine as the exchange is more than study and you’re in a different boat to those around you, and even what you were doing back home.
  3. Spend time on campus. Go to the UCLA art gallery. Have a picnic. Go to the UCLA free snack closet. The campus culture is very different to NZ and it’s a lot of fun. 

How much did you budget for your exchange? Was this enough? Were there any lessons learned that would help future students budget for their own exchange?

America is expensive. It’s worse than I thought, especially because UCLA (Westwood) is in high demand and right by Beverly Hills and Bel Air. I guess my advice would be..thift shopping and flea markets? LA is known for its thifts and markets – and it’s a super fun way to get out your shopping cravings.

What are your most significant takeaways from your experience abroad?

I learnt that I can do things alone. I can start over, and build up from there. I learnt resilience and resourcefulness.

Do you want to share anything about travels you did outside your host city/country?

I went to Mexico on spring break! Do it! Best 12 days of my life! 

Final Comments

Although some people are put off applying to UCLA because of its daunting acceptance rate and the UC application process. But if you are studying film, tv and media, LA is the best place in the world to be, so don’t psych yourself up and miss out. Apply and see what happens. 


Tags: 2023, Arts/Humanities, Report