Tousse Aherne
Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, Global Internship in Mumbai
Kia ora, My name is Tash Aherne, and I am a third-year Medical student at the University of Auckland. I grew up in New Zealand and am excited to share my PMSA journey in Mumbai, India, with you all.
The LOVE language of FOOD
3 weeks in, and my experience (and stomach) are telling me that the universal love language of India must be food. Top food moments of the week This week I was very fortunate to have a colleague I work with buy me lunch. The meal was delicious dosa (with cheese on this occasion); a dosa…Continue…
All paths lead to Pathaan
“Science is easy…Love is hard” Internship My work week at Doctors For You started strong starting with a rotation in General practice medicine at the Lallubhai compound. The flow of patients was non-stop and, at points, overwhelming. Observing so many preventable illnesses within a community that is already so deprived was confronting. Deficiencies in nutrition…Continue…
Magic in Mumbai
Sights of rich history and color, sounds of never-ending horns at any hour, seas upon seas of people, with each new surrounding whirling in unique scents, together with tastes that are out of this world is an unjust summary of the magic of Mumbai. The story begins late one Saturday night in a time which…Continue…