Tia Bhana
Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, Reimagining India Study Tour
Hey! I’m Tia, and I’m studying psychology and criminology at Vic Uni in Wellington. I applied for Reimagining India to get a deeper understanding of my Indian heritage and to further my learning in cross-cultural and social psychology.
I’m especially excited to meet non-profit organisations and learn how they support people.
I believe that NZ offers a limited and almost sheltered view of what hardships common citizens can face. So, experiencing India is a great opportunity to expand my worldview around various communities and how best to support them with the resources and norms they have in play. I think this program will further my transferable skills, which I can apply to my current volunteering, and give me an idea of what opportunities there are to study and interact with other cultures overseas.
I’ve found a lack of Indian content and knowledge within my uni courses, and I’m interested in learning more about stigmatised issues within Indian culture and society which relate to both psychology and criminology.
Overall, I’m super hyped for this experience, especially to do it with a group of cool people as well!
Pilot – ep 1.Tea with Tia
(Haha, you get it? Pilot? Cause this is the first episode but also planes hahaha 🙂 I’ve designed my blog to be in podcast format! Each post will include a 10-minute voice message and then some photos of recent travels and activities)….Continue Reading Pilot – ep 1.Tea with Tia