Talia MacKinnon

Talia MacKinnon

Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia,
Global Internships in Mumbai with Global Career Center


Kia Ora, my name is Talia and I’m in my penultimate year as a Global Studies student, majoring in politics and human rights. Two of my biggest passions in life are people are problem solving so nothing excites me more than a chance to intern abroad. The prospects of travelling, learning and connecting with others are really important values of mine and PMSA encompasses all three of those personal pillars. I am so grateful for the opportunity to embark on this adventure and am most looking forward to embracing a totally new culture, society and way of life.

  • “The Girl On The Train”

    On the first day of our internships, I faced a 3 hour commute, on local trains, with no knowledge of the language, all alone. It was petrifying. After the first few stops, a young girl, no older than 11 perched herself beside me. She was in tears, begging her mum to stay, despite clearly needing…Continue…