Shannon Mihaere

Shannon Mihaere

Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Latin America, Intercultural Approaches to Public Health at UC Chile


Kia ora e te whānau,

Ko wai au?

Ko Ruahine, Hikurangi, Kohukohunui me Taupiri oku maunga

Ko Manawatu, Awatere, Wairoa me Waikato oku awa

Ko Kurahaupo, Horota me Tainui oku waka

Ko Rangitane, Ngati Porou, Ngai Tai me Waikato-Tainui ngā iwi

Ko Ngati whaka-ewa, Te Whanau whakairiaroa, Ngai tai ki tamaki me Ngati whawhakia oku hapu

Ko Makirikiri, Tutua, Umupuia me Te Ohaki ngā marae

Ko Taylor mihaere raua ko Janet oku matua

Ko Shannon Mihaere toku ingoa!

Born and raised in the Manawatu embarking on this journey to Chile is one of both immense excitement and gratitude. After completing Hikitia te ora, I am now currently in my 5th year of a Health Science and Law conjoint! I have a deep interest in the complexties of heatlh services and how indigneous ways of being can be centered in the procees.

I chose to apply for this programe because I believed it would be an excellent opprtunity to gain first-hand experience with indigenous communties who are continuing to center their ways of being and maintain their capacity to self-determine!

I have never been to Latin America so this will be a wonderful experience to be immersed in the culture of tangata Hiri! I look forward to filling you all in on the journey!

Ngā mihi maioha, Shannon

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