Sean Prenter

Sean Prenter

Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, Reimagining India with IndoGenius


Kia ora!

Ko Sean taku ingua, my name is Sean and I’m studying my Masters in Politics Philosophy and Economics at Victoria University of Wellington.

Study aaside, I’m a keen surfer, snowbaorder, badminton player and love a boogie! Though most of the time you’ll find me putting in the mahi (work) for the National Disabled Students’ Association as Co-President for this year. My pūmanawa, what makes my heart beat is ensuring disabled peoples access, inclusion and dignity. I plan to dedicate my life to empowering disabled people.

The opportunity to be exposed to a different cultural context is a privaledge that I hope to channel towards empowering disabled people at home and overseas. What excites me most about the opportunity is understanding the role that faith, technology and globalisation plays in the lives of local disabled people as we emerse ourselves in the rich Indian culture.

  • An ode to Auroville 

    The Reimagining India tour began with Auroville. This illuminating experience introduced us to an intentional community far outside of New Zealand norms. It’s through experiences we find the most uncomfortable that we encounter the deepest insights and this visit stands emblematic of this truism. One noble lie sealing the lips of truth as we pave…Continue…