Saya Karauna

Saya Karauna

Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, Reimagining India with IndoGenius


Kia ora, my name is Saya Karauna, I am a proud descendant of both Ngāti Porou and Ngāti Kahungunu. I am a second-year Bachelor of Health student at the University of Waikato. As I am studying population health with the hopes of achieving better health outcomes for all backgrounds, the cultural exposure this programme will bring will greatly increase my understanding of other cultural values and practices. I think it is crucial to experience a wide range of cultures before going into a people-focused career, especially in something like health, where culture should be accounted for and respected in these spaces to achieve better health outcomes. I am so greatful for this opportunity and am most looking forward to building meaningful relationships with my peers and mentors in India who serve the community and share my passion for helping people.

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    As I reflect on the past six weeks, the power of human connection has been a key takeaway for me. From witnessing the genuine care displayed by strangers in India to immersing myself in community-driven initiatives, this journey has underscored the importance of human connection, compassion, growth, and reflection on a global scale.  Throughout this…Continue…

  • Eat, Pray, Love

    India, with its diverse landscapes and profound spirituality, is indeed a destination where one can truly eat, pray, and love. Through the exploration of diverse flavours, spiritual practices, and moments of love, my journey through India echoes the sentiments of Elizabeth Gilbert’s iconic tale, enriching my own story along the way. Prior to setting foot…Continue…

  • Transit Tales: Exploring the Plurality of Ways People Move

    After exploring India for three weeks, I’ve experienced the diverse ways people move in this country. In today’s modern society, it’s tempting to opt for isolated travel – air conditioning to aid in comfort, quick flights, or convenient Ubers that shield you from the vibrant surroundings. However, over the past three weeks, we have instead…Continue…