Laura Oh
Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, Chinese Language Study Abroad
Tēnā koutou, katoa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Toko Maru te maunga
Ko Wairau te awa
Ko Parerarua te marae
Ko Paretona te hapu
Ko Ngāti Rārua ratou, ko Ngati Tama, ko Ngati Koata nga iwi
Ko ōku matua tūpuna ko mere Te Aka Paki rāua ko Tom Grey
Ko Laura Oh tōku ingoa.
Kia ora, my name is Laura, and I am a recipient of the Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, Taiwan. I am a 2nd-year tertiary student at the University of Auckland, studying towards a Law and Arts degree, majoring in Politics and Chinese, and a Diploma in Languages in Te Reo Maori.
Through this scholarship, I am excited to have the opportunity to be immersed in an environment where I can practise my Chinese language skills daily. This will contribute immensely to my long-term career goals of working for MFAT and becoming trilingual. Furthermore, it will allow me to strengthen the connection my family and I have to my Chinese whakapapa on my father’s side.
Taiwan update:20th January 2023
Kia ora whānau, My apologies for the late post; this trip has been incredibly busy! My experience under the 360 programme in Taiwan has been and continues to be jam-packed full of culture, study, and new experiences. It is hard to believe that it is nearly over! As it has been a while since my…Continue…
Saying Goodbye to Taiwan
Kia ora whānau, This blog post comes to you from the plane ride home to New Zealand. While I am happy to be seeing my family and friends soon, I long for the next opportunity to travel aboard again. I enjoyed being immersed in a new culture that provided me with new ways of looking…Continue…
Blog Post 1: A taste of Taiwan
Kia ora friends and whānau, I have just completed my first week in Taiwan! While the books and locals may tell you that Tainan is a city of retirement due to its slow-paced and food-oriented culture, compared to New Zealand, it feels like a city of the hustle and bustle! In contrast to home, things…Continue…