Georgia Owen

Georgia Owen

Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, Reimagining India with IndoGenius


Kia ora! My name is Georgia. I am a Psychology student at the University of Waikato passionate in child and adolescent development. I work with youth struggling with MH and know this will be an amazing learning opportunity for my future working with Indian youth. I have always wanted to travel to India and am drawn in by the colour and vibrancy of the culture. In this programme, I hope to engage with locals to gain a deeper understanding of Indian worldviews, culture, religion and specifically caste systems, to understand what influences upbringing, attitudes and values. I am most excited to try the food, explore the country and meet new people.


  • Education in India

    I visited several spaces offering and facilitating education for youth and adults in India. My main takeaway is that education is the key to empowerment and uplifting families. This highlights the importance of removing educational barriers, such as but not limited to location, income, and nutrition.  I was born in Wales and educated in a…Continue…

  • Dear Future Traveller – Part II

    Suggested items to pack Cabin Luggage Checked Luggage Domestic Travel in India Accommodation in India…Continue Reading Dear Future Traveller – Part II

  • Dear Future Traveller – Part I

    I have had the privilege of spending the last six weeks in India, and here are my key takeaways to get the most out of this life-changing opportunity.  Our main form of travel (bus) Waving Goodbye at the Airport…Continue Reading Dear Future Traveller – Part I