Dylan Muggleston

Dylan Muggleston

Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia,
Global Internships in Mumbai with Global Career Center


Hi, my name is Dylan, and I’m stoked to be heading off to Mumbai in 2025 for a global internship.

I’m in my 4th year of medicine at UOA, and I have been lucky enough to spend this year at Middlemore Hospital. I love most things about medicine, but I have particular interests in surgery, cardiology, and general practice. Outside of my studies, I play a lot of hockey and thoroughly enjoy coaching youth teams. In my free time, I love spending time outdoors, and I have recently been getting into surfing.

Regarding my upcoming experience in Mumbai, I am most looking forward to spending time with the local people, being immersed in a new culture, and seeing some of the beautiful sites that India has to offer.

  • Numbers Tell a Story – But Not the Whole Truth

    Since arriving in Mumbai 8 days ago, I’ve taken 182,212 steps, spent 434 minutes on trains, ridden in 12 taxis and 14 tuk-tuks, spent 24 hours at my internship, handed out just as many bars of soap, tried at least 1 new food at every meal, attended 2 hockey trainings, and visited 4 forts. Like…Continue…

  • Mumbai: A confusing city where less is more

    Every day, as I sit on the train, looking out at the slums, train track welders, stray animals, crowds, skyscrapers, and never-ending sea of rubbish, I can’t help but think—this place can’t be real. The mixed scent of fragrant spices and fermenting sewage drifts through the air while the relentless horns, blaring party music, and…Continue…

  • Truth is stranger than fiction

    As I sat in a taxi last night, I realized this once strange city now feels like home. Landmarks like the clock tower, cricket oval, university, high court, skyscrapers, and even smaller aspects like the shoe-shining vendors, sugarcane stalls, and stray dogs have become a normal part of my daily experience. The trains, roads, haggling,…Continue…