Caitlin Lorigan

Caitlin Lorigan

Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, Global Internship in Mumbai


Kia Orana, I’m Caitlin. I’ve just completed my BA in Criminology and Politics and International Relations and an LLB. 

I consider myself a very adventurous person with a love for hiking, sports, photography and being outdoors. I’m super grateful to have the opportunity to work a Global Internship in Mumbai, India. This will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I look forward to the learnings, challenges and fun experiences to come. 

I’m most excited to learn about the culture in India and how the economy compares to NZ. This will be a great opportunity to live and work outside my comfort zone and be more independent in another country. 

If you want to follow along with me on my journey, check out my blogs that are to come. Thank you, Arohanui.

  • Living my best vegetarian life

    I have never eaten as much food in one day as I had on my first day in India. It was not due to wanting to eat a lot of food, but due to Indian culture around food. I learned that Indian meals rather contain of lots of small dishes, instead of one big dish…Continue…

  • All Aboard

    Travelling to work was something I worried about. I had always seen photos and read about the sardine train experience in India; hundreds of people crammed into each carriage or hanging out the side of the train.   It was our second day in India when we had to figure out the train system and…Continue…