Kiharoa Iversen-Reeder

Kiharoa Iversen-Reeder

Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, Global Internship in Bangkok


Kia ora

Ko Mauao tōku maunga

Ko Mātaatua tōku waka

Ko Waitoa tōku awa

Ko Tahuwhakatiki tōku marae

Ko Ngā Potiki tōku hapū

Ko Ngāi te Rangi tōku iwi

Ko Ngongotaha tōku maunga

Ko Te Arawa tōku waka

Ko utuhina tōku awa

Ko Paratehoata tōku marae

Ko Ngāti Tunohopu tōku hapū

Ko Ngāti Whakaue tōku iwi

Ko Kiharoa Iversen tokū ingoa.

I am currently finishing off a Master of Arts in Education. My thesis focuses on sport, mātauranga Māori, and refugee resettlement. Prior to that, I completed a Bachelor of Arts majoring in History, Education and Māori Studies. 

Outside my studies, I play hockey at the premier club level as a regional representative for North Harbour and New Zealand Māori.

I look forward to this opportunity to share mātauranga, tikanga and te reo Māori with the people of Thailand and gain knowledge of their language and culture.

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