Categories: McGill University

Nilotri (Sem 1, 2023)

My Exchange at McGill University I went on exchange to McGill University in Montreal, Canada in their Winter semester! Although I am studying a Commerce/Global Studies conjoint, I chose to study four Commerce courses at McGill, which meant that I was doing all my classes at the Desautels Faculty of Management! I did two stage…Continue Reading Nilotri (Sem 1, 2023)

Olivia (Sem 2, 2022 + Sem 1, 2023)

My Exchange at McGill University I had always planned to study overseas, so an exchange was a no-brainer. I had planned my whole degree around it, and after a few delays (Covid-19), I finally got the green light, and I was ecstatic.  I learned about the 360 International Exchange Program by researching Auckland University’s overseas…Continue Reading Olivia (Sem 2, 2022 + Sem 1, 2023)

Fletcher (Sem 2, 2022)

My Exchange at McGill University I had heard about the exchange through the University of Auckland, and my family recommended I went on the exchange. Despite my reluctance to go on exchange at the beginning, I am extremely happy I did it looking back. When I first arrived I was missing my parents and already…Continue Reading Fletcher (Sem 2, 2022)