Category: Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia

Bucket List

Bucket lists. What are they, why do we make them? According to Stanford, a bucket list is an itemised list of goals, experiences or achievements that people want to accomplish before they “kick the bucket” — or die. I made my first and only bucket list when I was 12. For me, the things I…Continue Reading Bucket List

“Intern”-ational Travellers

I’d apologise for the pun in the title but I’d be lying. It has now been four weeks abroad, and safe to say that as much as I love Mumbai, I miss home. But thank goodness for the others I’m on this trip with, because we have managed to create a sense of home here,…Continue Reading “Intern”-ational Travellers

Art needs no language…

In my internship this week, I felt great privilege for the opportunity, confronted by the harsh living conditions of the communities I work, and grateful to the people of Mandala who have opened their lives and hearts to the organisation and me. Working with the Zahra Hasanaat clinic, I was able to help with the…Continue Reading Art needs no language…

My Beautiful Journey – Time To Say Both Goodbye And Hello

The six weeks of the PMSA-Mumbai scholarship have taught me so much. Firstly, I couldn’t be more grateful for all the lessons it taught and the life-long relationships I’ve banked during this process.  Meeting people is one thing, but making lifelong friendships and creating memories and bonds is a whole new different thing. It started…Continue Reading My Beautiful Journey – Time To Say Both Goodbye And Hello

Final Weeks + Going Home

Time indeed went very fast on this trip. A few weeks before returning to New Zealand, I visited Gyeongbokgung Palace with another friend from Auckland. Surprisingly, the tour took shorter than we expected. There were two exits, both near a different tourist attraction. One was right next to the National Folk Museum and the other…Continue Reading Final Weeks + Going Home