One of the things that I was missing out on so far during this trip was the chance to get out of Tainan. Tainan is a beautiful city, but there was still a lingering sense that there was a whole country to explore. Luckily, the end of my classes gave me a free day to…Continue Reading Tai gao in Kaohsiung
FOMO: The Fear of Missing Out
Namaste! Welcome to Mumbai, India! It has been nearly a week since we landed in the sunny state of Maharashtra, and began our journey of six weeks abroad. To say it has been a culture shock would be an understatement. In my first steps out of the airport, a wave of heat and smell hit…Continue Reading FOMO: The Fear of Missing Out
All Aboard
Travelling to work was something I worried about. I had always seen photos and read about the sardine train experience in India; hundreds of people crammed into each carriage or hanging out the side of the train. It was our second day in India when we had to figure out the train system and…Continue Reading All Aboard
Māori Boy in Bangkok
My first few weeks interning at Galaxy Kids have been amazing. This company specialises in creating apps for kids from 3-8. The app helps them learn Chinese and English. I’ve been lucky enough to form strong connections with my colleagues already. I sit next to Charlie; his strength is marketing. Other than the boss, Jerry,…Continue Reading Māori Boy in Bangkok
Moments in Mexico
The images that make it into our long-term collective memory are few. A few of the images I have captured into my long-term memory are the ones I have lived through this week and am now sharing with whoever may be reading this blog. My favourite writing style is one that captures a moment in…Continue Reading Moments in Mexico
Pilot – ep 1.Tea with Tia
(Haha, you get it? Pilot? Cause this is the first episode but also planes hahaha 🙂 I’ve designed my blog to be in podcast format! Each post will include a 10-minute voice message and then some photos of recent travels and activities)….Continue Reading Pilot – ep 1.Tea with Tia
The Realities and Beauties of Mexico
We started our first day of university cooking up some traditional Mexican dishes. At Ibero, the typical apron doesn’t suffice for the kitchen. Instead, we all had to dress in what looked like full PPE gear that doctors wore during an operation(see photo below). As ridiculous as we looked, it ensured avoiding any health and…Continue Reading The Realities and Beauties of Mexico
Flying high and flying low in India
Kia Ora! My name is Mai, and I am on the PMSA IndoGenius Reimagining India study tour! I have decided to write an overall reflection on this past week and cover some of the major questions and highlights alongside new things I’ve learnt in this short period of time! Our journey started off with more…Continue Reading Flying high and flying low in India
Human Rights Week
Getting to university has been a mission in itself. We live in Roma Sur, about a 20-minute drive from Iberoamericana. Doesn’t sound very far, right? Wrong. I never want to hear another Aucklander complain about traffic until they experience Mexico City. That same 20-minute drive takes us an hour in the morning rush and sometimes…Continue Reading Human Rights Week
Week 1 – Part 2
The second half of the week, we got to hear from the British Chamber of Commerce! We were meant to go visit them, but a certain US President and Canadian Prime Minister were in town for the USMCA talks, and lucky for us, the British Chamber of Commerce is smack bang right next door, and…Continue Reading Week 1 – Part 2