Category: Prime Minister’s Scholarships

A Waitangi Day ‘Celebration’

When I told people I was going to Brazil for an exchange, I heard a lot of the following: “Please be careful” “Try don’t get shot!” “Make sure you hold on to all of your valuables as close as you can!” “Are you sure you want to go? It’s very dangerous there.” Despite all the…Continue Reading A Waitangi Day ‘Celebration’

Iso in São Paulo

Kia ora koutou, As many of my family and friends now know (and as the title of this blog suggests!), my first week in Brazil was thwarted by Covid-19. I was confined to a hotel room in São Paulo between Monday, Jan 23 and Sunday, Jan 29. But it wasn’t all bad. I had three…Continue Reading Iso in São Paulo

Taiwan: Week seven

Monday 23 January–Friday 27 January Fulong Beach I hadn’t seen the ocean since landing in Taipei. My initial desire had been to train to a beach on the east coast with friends in the early hours of the Gregorian new year to see the first sunrise of 2023 emerge from the ocean, the same sun…Continue Reading Taiwan: Week seven

Te Kotahitanga o ngā tangata whenua

Ko te Kaupapa o tēnei wiki e pa ana ki ngā tangata whenua o Mehiko, nā reira kāore I kore ko tēnei Kaupapa, he Kaupapa rongonui mōku. Tuatahi kia maumahara tōnu ai ahau, hei āta marama ahau ki ngā ahuatanga nui o ngā tangata whenua o tāwahi, me mōhio pū ahau ki te hītori o…Continue Reading Te Kotahitanga o ngā tangata whenua

Kei ōu ringaringa te ao – Brazil

Kei ōu ringaringa te ao can be loosely translated as ‘the world is yours’. I agree with the whakataukī that this world is ours, but it is ours to care for, not take advantage of. My time here in Brazil has exposed me to the realities of greed and corruption for land and resources. Corporations and…Continue Reading Kei ōu ringaringa te ao – Brazil

To be in Brazil is to begin to understand Brazil.

As I discover more of Brazil, I have been learning of the complex challenges the country has faced and continues to. Through visits to Indigenous communities, a Quilombo community, the Landless Workers Movement and the Center for Indigenous Work, as well as the NGO GAIALATO, we have been welcomed by lovely people with open hearts…Continue Reading To be in Brazil is to begin to understand Brazil.

Exposing love in Rajasthani palaces and glass skyscrapers

Buildings are an expression of what we love. Love is worn on facades, demonstrated through circulation, or exposed through materiality. The built environment subconsciously forms social connections, circulation decisions, or even attitudes toward nature. Therefore, architecture is a powerful expression of love and a formation of love. Applying a (value: architecture) output ratio to the…Continue Reading Exposing love in Rajasthani palaces and glass skyscrapers

Eu sou estrangeira

A blog post that my friends and family back home have all been anticipating. I have been excited to share about the amazing kaupapa I’ve been immersed in during my first week here in Brazil. Forever captivated by Brazil’s street art and graffiti, architecture, vibrant people, and rich culture. Creativity is a means of survival…Continue Reading Eu sou estrangeira

26th January, The Republic day

The most awaited public holiday we all needed was the 26th of January, also known as the Republic day of India. Republic day in India is celebrated to mark when the Constitution was written.  We all needed this day just to take a break and reflect on things; it was more like a pause button…Continue Reading 26th January, The Republic day