Lois Gonzales


McGill University, Canada


Kia ora! My name is Lois, and I am studying a Bachelor of Arts in Art History and a Bachelor of Global Studies in Global Politics & Human Rights.

For my exchange, I will be studying at McGill University in Montréal, Canada! Although my Global Studies language is Spanish, I will be learning French during my exchange since Montréal is a French-speaking city. I will also be taking politics and art history classes.

I look forward to being involved around campus by joining clubs and participating in events. Outside of uni, I plan to travel around Canada and the US whenever possible. Montréal is great for its proximity to other cities, and it is a super exciting city itself! Known for its arts and culture scene, I’m sure I won’t run out of things to do in my exchange city.

I am super grateful for the opportunity to study abroad! I am excited to live in a new city, watch the seasons transition, and immerse myself in Canadian and North American culture. 😁🤍