Johanna Clarke


Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, France


Hi! My name is Johanna and I am a third year arts student here at Auckland!

I am constantly finding a way to escape this city, so I figured including uni in my travels would probably be a good plan for me! In light of that decision, for the second half of 2024 I will be in Lyon in France, where I will be studying at University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, with their SELF Programme, studying in English! I am so excited to explore Lyon, and immerse myself in learning French – hopefully I’ll come back with a little more than my current ability to chat about what’s in my pencil case!

Being in Europe is going to be such an incredible opportunity for travel – and we know how much I love to travel. I’m really looking forward to seeing as many beautiful places as I can, and hopefully meeting as many amazing people as I can on my way! I can’t wait to document my journey, and hopefully give a valuable insight into the exchange experience.

See you all soon! xoxo