Emma Denton


University of British Columbia, Canada


Kia ora! My name is Emma, and I’m very grateful to have the opportunity to spend a semester abroad at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. 

I’m in my fifth year of a Law and Arts conjoint. As much as I love Auckland, I really needed a change in scenery. So why not head to the opposite side of the world? I’m a very active person who loves being outdoors in nature, so Vancouver, with its abundance of wildlife, nearby hiking trails and incredible environment, seemed like the perfect place. I also love the abundance of culture that Vancouver has to offer, from the food to the First Nation art (but that’s the Art History major in me talking). 

My goal for my time away is to say “yes” to as much as possible, so that I can experience everything that Vancouver has to offer while challenging myself to be more outgoing. I’m particularly excited to experience a football and ice hockey game, and explore greater Canada. I can’t wait to bring you along with me for the journey, and (hopefully) bump into Ryan Reynolds, but we’ll have to wait and see.