Caitlin Normanton


University of Granada, Spain


Hi there!

My name is Caitlin. I will be travelling to Granada, Spain, to complete my final semester at the University of Granada! 

I’m studying a Bachelor of Global Studies and Bachelor of Arts Conjoint! I major in International Relations and Business and Spanish. However, the focus of my papers in Spain will be on the Spanish language and European history. 

I am really looking forward to the chance to be able to settle into a new country, a new way of life, meet new people, make new friends and try new things. Most importantly, I’m really looking forward to being able to immerse myself in the Spanish language as I have been trying to do ever since I started learning the language back in Year 9. I hope that this exchange see me finish off my long four years of studying my conjoint degree with a bang and help lead me into a new phase of my life afterwards!

Join me on my trip, and I hope that maybe you too will take the chance at an opportunity like this.

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