Breanna Garcia


Western University, Canada


Kia Ora, everyone!

My name is Breanna Garcia, and I am a third-year Health Science and Design conjoint student currently studying for my Health Science degree at Western University in London, Ontario, Canada!

I have always dreamt of going on an exchange overseas, and Canada piqued my interest; having the privilege to pursue my studies in a multi-cultural and diverse country like New Zealand is an opportunity I could not miss! I have had siblings who previously participated in a student exchange programme, reiterating how it was one of the best experiences they have had, prompting me to steer in this direction in hopes of growth and an eye-opening experience. 

I am incredibly grateful I have been given this opportunity to fulfil one of my everlasting goals, and I know this experience will continue to shape me as a person and as a student at UOA. 

I love documenting my experience through pictures,  journaling and doodling to capture every moment for memories. I am definitely excited to take you on my journey and utilise these platforms to share what I have been up to for the next three months abroad!

Lots of love,

Breanna xx