Finley Harrison
Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, Chinese Language Study Abroad
Hey! I’m Finley, a fourth year UoA student from Whanganui. I study Law, Politics and Chinese language but over this summer I’m in Taiwan primarily to practice my Chinese at NCKU. I hope you enjoy my blog about the aspects of Tainan life that intrigue me and may be useful to others who wish to do this in the future. Thanks!
Cultural classes in Tainan
We’re nearing the end of our time in Tainan; less than ten days left. It feels bittersweet. We look forward to seeing our families, but we’ve become accustomed to living here, and we’ve all felt very welcomed. I will miss Tainan when I’m back in Auckland. The Chinese language centre at Cheung Kong University has…Continue…
Classes and Chòu dòufu in Tainan
We’ve had classes now for the last two weeks. Whilst I was nervous at first, full immersion classes aren’t as tricky as you’d think and it surprises you how much you know in a controlled environment like the classroom where the pace of conversation is much slower than real life. I’m in the 8 am…Continue…
Arrival in Tainan
One of the first things we did in Taiwan was visit a Japanese department store called Hayashi. It’s one week on and I’m back here again, sitting in a café on the top floor, thinking about my time here so far. The hotel that we stayed in for the first week was right in the…Continue…