Stella Beckmann

Stella Beckmann

Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, Global Internship in Bangkok


Hello, I’m Stella. I’ve always loved learning, trying new things, and reflecting on experiences. I’m very grateful to now be able to go overseas to Thailand for two months with an amazing group of young people.

In this blog, I will share my perspective on the journey, such as ups, downs, adventures, challenges, lessons learned, and so on. Join me to gain insights into Thailand and what a short overseas experience can be like.

  • Contrasts and Commonalities: A New Zealander’s Perspective on Bangkok

    Introduction Four days into an overseas experience in Bangkok, Thailand, and already, I’ve been struck by some of the stark differences and similarities between here and my home country, New Zealand. Here are a few from first impressions. Differences An Overflow of Information One of the first things I noticed upon arriving in Thailand was…Continue…