Anya Christiansen


University of Edinburgh, Scotland


Kia ora e te whānau, my name is Anya and I am lucky enough to be spending a semester abroad at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland! I am a Bachelor of Global Studies Bachelor of Arts conjoint student majoring in Global Environment and Sustainable Development and Anthropology. I am beyond excited to be going on this journey and can’t wait to open myself up to new experiences, eat new foods and make new friends. There is so much to learn from the world abroad to bring back and make positive change in our home in Aotearoa New Zealand. Can’t wait for you guys to join me on this journey!

  • A Welcome to Edinburgh

    Kia ora from the other side of the world! My name is Anya and I am a third year student studying Anthropology and Global Environment and Sustainable Development (BA/BGlobal) at University of Auckland. I’m spending my semester abroad at the lovely University of Edinburgh. My overseas journey began a little bit before I arrived in…Continue…