Montréal Moments!

Kia ora and bonjour from Montréal! My name is Lois, and I’m in my third year of a Global Studies and Arts conjoint! I am currently doing a semester exchange at McGill University, taking French, Art History, and English Literature classes.

I am super excited to be doing an exchange, especially in a city as lively and full of personality as Montréal. I have been here for almost a month now, and there is still so much to see and do. Montréal is the perfect balance of city and nature. It is also very walkable, making exploring easier and cheaper! I live off-campus, so I have to commute to uni; however, the public transportation here (specifically the Metro) is reliable, frequent, and fast, which is a stark contrast to Auckland. So far, my favourite places to explore are Vieux Port and Plateau-Mont-Royal.

Studying at McGill is a surreal experience and a privilege I do not take for granted. Before classes started, I joined their orientation activities and participated in Frosh. Frosh is a multi-day event run by students for first-years, transfer students, and exchange students. While you can do Frosh with your faculty, I chose the Camping option under Outdoors Frosh. We camped at a regional park outside Montréal, and I got to ride a yellow school bus! It was a fantastic experience, and because it was a smaller group, it was easier to get to know everyone. Aside from Frosh, they also hosted the OAP Festival and Activities Night (similar to Clubs Expo) during the first few days of uni.

Classes start at the end of August, so I have had a few classes by now. As summer ends, it is nice to see the campus and everyone else enjoying the sunlight before the seasons change. Luckily, I have classes with some of the friends I made at orientation, making them even more enjoyable. During my free time, I study in different locations to familiarise myself with the campus (which is also an excuse to admire the stunning architecture).

So far, I am thoroughly enjoying my time in Montréal. Although I miss the beaches of Auckland, I love the city and the parks in Montréal. I have yet to try the infamous poutine and visit Montréal’s many stunning neighbourhoods, but for now, I will take it one step at a time and enjoy the next few months. Ka kite anō and bonne journée! 🤍

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