Samiuela’s Report – Youth Empowerment Project (2024)

Tell us about your experience on this programme

I found the project through an email sent about Think Pacific partnering with the University of Auckland. I was nervous about the travel and I didn’t know what to expect from it. However, I loved every moment of it and it is a life experience I will never forget. I grew up in the islands however I didn’t grow up in the villages. The village life was one of the greatest experiences I had. I loved the closeness of everyone and how families help each other in everything, and I loved the simplicity. Even though they don’t have much yet, they are very happy, I was happy. During the project, I learned how teamwork is really important. I really never lead a workshop or had done public speaking. To do this almost every workshop was a personal growth for me and I loved overcoming my fears. I also saw the sense of community within the village. How every family would help each other in every way. A family or our family would go to another house which is a few steps away and ask for kitchen hardware. However, they are all related in a way, this little village. There were not many challenges for me in terms of the physical aspect, but I have a fear of things. Such as public speaking etc. However, throughout the project, I challenged myself to face my fears, and the outcome was truly memorable. I learned to speak publically, which was a challenge for me, and also workshops. The other side is just amazing when you overcome it. (a little story about this on one of the later questions). We stayed at a home that didn’t have much but I loved every moment of it. Our home was very open, and it became a place where other volunteers and youths would come over and chill during the nights. The food was lovely and am missing it. I loved how simple it was, no technology. A advise, enjoy every moement of it. It was a truly life-changing experience, and just go for it. You have nothing to lose, and there were volunteers that fell a bit sick during the project due to the change in diet and environment, yet they are willing to go back to Fiji, the village, in the near future. I grew as a person there, I hope you can also experience the same thing I experienced. 

Were you satisfied with the cross-cultural experiences this programme provided?
I grew up in the islands but I didn’t grow up in the villages. To see how simple they lived yet they seem very happy with what they have. To have other families pop in and out of where we stayed and spend time playing cards or just relaxing with them. To have someone say bula to you every few steps you take around the village. To have someone help you with anything you are doing without hesitation. The sense of community was amazing and I loved every moment of it. I formed a lot of connections and friendships with the youth and people at the village that I will never forget. I experienced so much in that little time and I learned so much. I have developed as a person and this changed my views. To be more confidence and be myself, to enjoy life to the fullest, to be grateful with what I have, to face my fears. Thank you for this opportunity. 

What skills do you think this experience helped you gain, and how so? How might this differ from the experience you could otherwise gain in New Zealand?

The project was not only based on making the youth and volunteers aware of the different areas of discipline such as climate change and leadership but also public speaking. I am really bad at this and throughout the project, I challenged myself to speak and lead a workshop whenever I could. I tend to develop this skill and I hope to further develop this with more opportunities at the university. I also developed confidence. I am a closed and shy person. Not only the project but spending time with the youths and the village itself helped me develop my confidence in being myself. I enjoyed every moment of it and I hope to go back to the village some day. One of the volunteers is always going back to the end of this year!!

Did you encounter any particular challenges in preparing for or during this programme that might be important for future students to be aware of?

No, I loved every moment. I grew during the project in terms of well-being. I challenged myself through my fears and the outcome was more the what I expected. To be able to face that fear, that wall and to get to see the light on the other side… One of my fears was playing touch with the rugby boys. When I endured that, one of the elders of the village who was part of the training said Daku is my home and you belong here. When a Fijian asked me where I am from fiji, I am from Daku. It was a powerful moment for me and I will never forget it. To face my fears, is just amazing. 

You rated this experience as one you were “highly likely to recommend” to a friend. Were there any particular factors that informed this rating?

Nothing at all, I enjoyed everything and everything. 

This was from a workshop activity with our group.

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